Thursday, 30 June 2011

{Political_Views} Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: 'Worldwide Water Conspiracy'

Ludlum wrote about it in he 80's Clive Cussler wrote about it in the novel Blue Gold (20000
It was the subject of the last Bond film.

> They call it "Blue Gold." Water is the new oil. Once a human
> right, it's now a valuable commodity, and corporations and
> super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights,
> controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility
> of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers
> what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.
> Video:
> - Alexandra


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{Political_Views} No democracy

His books for the time being are in the libraries. I say that because if this country continues n the destructive
path of privatizing what should b publicly operated, well the corporations like the oil industry  or billionaire owners like the Koch
brothers or Robert Murdock can dictate what is and is not in them. They can and they will like today's China and yesterday's
Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia sanitize history remove Sinclair, Twain Nader, Zinn any author who criticized them
their actions or the actions of the politicians that they own. And the only way an person living in the USA can find the truth
will be in the archives of old book stores or other countries or like they did in Fahrenheit 451.

> More from Howard Zinn...
> "We do not have democracy when it comes
> to foreign policy."
> For all practical purposes, wars are declared by
> presidential decree.
> It's the Achilles Heel of our democracy.
> A serious reality check about how the
> US is really governed...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} How the news media sells war

> One of the things the mass media
> is good at - besides selling junk
> food and Big Pharma junk drugs -
> is selling war.
> No mass media, no war.
> Howard Zinn (1922-2011) shows how
> CNN and other "news" outlets cheerlead
> the Iraq War and other atrocities.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Two Nuclear Crises in the US: Two Evacuation Zones

> I had something else scheduled for today but I think it's more
> useful to point out that two natural disasters threaten two US
> nuclear facilities today.
> Los Alamos, New Mexico was evacuated Tuesday, as was the area
> within a 10-mile radius of Fort Calhoun in Nebraska, earlier this
> week.
> Is it a coincidence to have the Fukushima nuclear disaster and
> now these two nuclear emergency situations?
> Video:
> - Alexandra
> P.S. Forbidden Knowledge TV newsletters are all
> backed-up on both Twitter:
> and on Facebook:
> The FKTV site, itself contains many videos which
> are not broadcast and can be navigated by category:
> P.P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
> and videos with your friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} War from inside the belly of the beast

> An amazingly frank admission from the former
> Chief of Staff of Colin Powell, also a former
> instructor at the Naval War College, about
> why the US goes to war.
> Hint: It's not about truth, justice or protecting
> the American Way.
> Must watching and must forwarding, especially
> now that the US is starting a new war almost
> every other week.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} War from inside the belly of the beast

> An amazingly frank admission from the former
> Chief of Staff of Colin Powell, also a former
> instructor at the Naval War College, about
> why the US goes to war.
> Hint: It's not about truth, justice or protecting
> the American Way.
> Must watching and must forwarding, especially
> now that the US is starting a new war almost
> every other week.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} War from inside the belly of the beast

> An amazingly frank admission from the former
> Chief of Staff of Colin Powell, also a former
> instructor at the Naval War College, about
> why the US goes to war.
> Hint: It's not about truth, justice or protecting
> the American Way.
> Must watching and must forwarding, especially
> now that the US is starting a new war almost
> every other week.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 6/30/11



Tuesday, 28 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: Jeff Madrick on How Wall Street Won and America Lost | Rolling Stone Politics | RS Politics Daily | Rolling Stone Writers and Editors on Political News

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{Political_Views} Gone With the Papers

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{Political_Views} Dear Fox News: "Please add a laugh track!" | LeftAction

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{Political_Views} Sarah Palin v. Michele Bachmann: Cast your vote

I'm helping launch an effort to determine who is crazier - Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. Would you please help me by casting a vote? Just go to:

The Tea Party has spawned a bumper crop of crazy candidates this year, but none quite so mind-blowingly insane as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. The question is... which one is craziest?

Cast your vote at, help us determine who's craziest, and... maybe win a free phone and year of CREDO Mobile service in the process! Click over now, vote, and see who'll win!

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{Political_Views} remember

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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 6/28/11

Monday, 27 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: Sources: Argument between Prosser, Bradley becomes physical

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Defending civil liberties How much should we give up for "safety"

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Radiation Poisoning Fort Calhoun Meltdown Simulated on Egyptian Website

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{Political_Views} Fwd: War is a racket A very profitable war

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{Political_Views} Fwd: War is a racket Who do you serve when you go to war

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{Political_Views} Fwd: US Win big or die

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Bad Governance Government Gone Wild! Special Interests...EXPOSED!!!

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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 6/27/11

{Political_Views} Paul Ryan's opponent

Progressive Change Campaign Committee


Rob Zerban, who is running against Paul Ryan in 2012, has a plan to hold Ryan accountable back home for his disastrous plan to end Medicare.

This week, Rob will deliver thousands of signatures from Wisconsin and across the nation to Paul Ryan's office along with a big group of his constituents -- telling Ryan to stop attacking Medicare. This will generate local media attention and make Ryan feel the heat back home.

The more signatures Rob has, the more local media will pay attention. Can you add your name in opposition to Paul Ryan's plan to end Medicare? Click here.

As Paul Ryan's opponent, Rob has a big platform -- and he's using it!

At the recent Netroots Nation conference, Rob promised to use his candidacy to hold Paul Ryan accountable for his extreme Medicare plan.

Rob is giving Paul Ryan a choice: He can back off his attacks on Medicare or face local pressure and plummeting poll numbers back home. It's that simple.

Please help Rob hold Paul Ryan accountable by adding your name in opposition to Ryan's Medicare plan. Click here -- then, share with others.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Keauna Gregory, Jeremy Feigenbaum, and the PCCC team.

Named The Nation's "Most Valuable Online Activism of 2010"—thanks to you. Help us continue our effective, independent progressive activism. Chip in today.

Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Bachmann would back amendment to overturn NY marriage law -

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Crossroads Buys $20M In Anti-Obama Ads - Hotline On Call

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Environmental Leaders Call for Civil Disobedience to Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Video | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

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Sunday, 26 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: When Airfares Vary Wildly, Where Are The Deals? : NPR

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Greece - Democracy vs Mythology

Welcome back to the middle ages, where only the wealthy owned the land and they had the right to kick you off of it. You paid your taxes to them back then, this time they will not call it taxes, but a toll, a service charge, or something else. Serfdom is being reborn one country at a time.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Outcry in America as pregnant women who lose babies face murder charges | World news | The Guardian

This is the way extremist see it. If your baby even dies in birth the woman should be charged. The unborn to them seem to have more rights than the living person caring the child. They are not going to stop abortions just put it back into the dark ages when girls aborted themselves in high school restrooms, where they were done in basements and garages at 3-4 hundred dollars with unsafe and unsanitary equipment. In the mean time the wealthy woman went to that European Spa in Sweden, or Germany or Switzerland.

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{Political_Views} EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Murphy Says Thomas Actions Call Into Question Whether He Can Continue To Serve As A Justice | Think Progress

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Sarah Palin: The backlash - Yahoo! News

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Van Jones on Rebuilding the American Dream | Rolling Stone Politics | RS Politics Daily | Rolling Stone Writers and Editors on Political News

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{Political_Views} Fwd: America, land of the free to go hungry | Eric Augenbraun | Comment is free |

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Preet Bharara Takes on Wall Street Crime : The New Yorker

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{Political_Views} Fwd: The Wisconsin Six: The Backbone of Scott Walker's Extreme Agenda | People For the American Way

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Saturday, 25 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: Cantor, Kyl Exit Deficit Talks - Billy House & Dan Friedman - Politics - The Atlantic

They know their corporate handlers will not like being taxed. It's OK to put the average American into poverty and homelessness. But God forbid that their corporate owners have to buy only one 20 million dollar home, only 1 Rolls, and buy that cheap $100 a bottle wine instead of the $200.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: 8 Reasons Justice Clarence Thomas Must Step Down | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

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{Political_Views} Fwd: In One Night, Keith Olbermann Obliterates Eric Bollingâ?Ts Fox Ratings | Media Matters for America

Think of how much more the ratings could have been if they were on every cable outlet Fox is on?

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{Political_Views} Fwd: RealClearPolitics - Palin Bus Tour Takes Extended Pit Stop

It seems she found out what summers are like in the lower 48. Rain, tornado's maybe an early hurricane, hot, humid, and those blood sucking bugs (not referring to RepubliCons here which are the worst kind of bloodsuckers). Plos all those rednecks.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: FOCUS: The Attack on the Middle Class

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Lawsuit seeks injunction on Emergency Manager law | Michigan Messenger

Competition for the Der Furher in Wisconsin I wonder when Walker will burn the Capitol and invade Michigan.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Michele Bachmann's Holy War | Rolling Stone Politics

Like I said before;
   Remember the last time Religion ruled. I was called the DARK AGES.
  Just thinks going back to knowing the Earth is flat. That the sun goes around the Earth and the only proven cure to any illness was blood letting and leaches.

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Friday, 24 June 2011

{Political_Views} -Editorial Toons


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{Political_Views} Fwd: Obama Quickens Afghan Withdrawal in Face of Pressure for Peace | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Ryan Medicare Plan Would Make Americans Worse by 57%-34%, Poll Shows - Bloomberg

Yet the RepubliCONs kept wanting to kill it and yet their are IDIOT's in America (I.E Tea Party for one) who go along with them.

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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 6/24/11

Thursday, 23 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: JPMorgan Chase Fined 154 million in Goldman-Like Case | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

The thing is it does nothing to help the little people they screwed. The fine is a drop in the bucket compared to the damage done to the people of not only this country but the world.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Not Enough Mr. President

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Climate of Denial | Rolling Stone Politics

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Restore the Greek Currency, and Its Economy

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{Political_Views} Fwd: US man stages $1 bank robbery to get state healthcare | World news | The Guardian

Why not people in jail get the same 100 percent healthcare that congress does. But it cost the taxpayer 10 times or more for keeping the criminal behind bars than what it would cost if the country had universal, single payer healthcare.
  Room, board, 100 percent healthcare, books, tv's even a concert now and then all paid by the taxpayer. Not to mention access to your favorite drug or alcohol, and people wonder why heir are so many repeat offenders

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Republicans do not have the power to block an Elizabeth Warren recess appointment « CitizenVox

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{Political_Views} Fwd: We're seeing this everywhere

Most of the things that spread fast on Facebook are pretty silly—videos of cats and the like. But recently, we noticed a new contender: a feisty political point that's spreading like wildfire.

We think there's a real opportunity for it to go viral and introduce millions of people to this cheeky, spot-on reframing of the economic crisis we're in. Can you help make that happen? Click here to share this message on Facebook today:

Share This on Facebook

Remember when teachers... graphic

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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: Religion & Spiritual Practice 'Jesus in Kashmir': Documentary Film Made by the Government of India

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Suppressed technologies Home made electricity

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Food Control Synthetic Proteins Have Entered the Food Chain Since the '90s

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Suppressed technologies Why haven't you heard of this car?

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{Political_Views} : Making advanced technology disappear

> Most people have heard a variation
> of a story like this...
> A major technological breakthrough
> threatens the oil industry.
> One of the oil giants acquires the technology
> from the inventor and makes it disappear
> (or disappears it by other other-than-legal
> means.)
> This is not a "conspiracy theory."
> It happens.
> Here's a case of GM buying the controlling
> shares of one of its suppliers, selling their
> shares to an oil company and the oil
> company making sure a major, game-changing
> breakthrough never saw the light of day.
> Video:


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{Political_Views} Fwd: FW: Blackout on Nuclear News

> Two nuclear plants in Nebraska are under siege from Missouri River
> floodwaters released by the Army Corps of Engineers. The locals
> are calling this a "man-made flood" and the FAA has issued "no-fly"
> zones above these two nuclear facilities.
> The Corps estimates that floodwaters will continue at these extreme
> levels for another 3-4 months. The levees which are protecting the
> towns and the nuclear plants were not built to withstand flooding
> of this duration.
> If the Missouri River breeches the spent fuel pools, it will carry nuclear
> waste from Nebraska, all the way to the Mississippi River and down into
> the Gulf of Mexico.
> "Aerial Footage of Ft. Calhoun Nuke Plant Flooding -
> No-Fly Zone Enforced":

> "Leuren Moret: Mega-Tsunami, Total Melt-Through,
> Radiation Levels and Illnesses":
> - Alexandra
> P.S. Forbidden Knowledge TV newsletters are all
> backed-up on both Twitter:

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Suppressed technologies Another reason we don't have electric cars

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Suppressed technologies A red hot electric car

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse Welcome to America

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Radiation Poisoning Fire at Flooded Nebraska Nuke Plant Leads to Level 4 Emergency

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Comet Elenin/"Nibiru"/Brown Dwarf Twin Comet Elenin Is Definitely Not Planet X or Nibiru

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Radiation Poisoning "Hot Particles" From Japan to Seattle Virtually Undetectable When Inhaled or Swallowed

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse Who serves who?

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{Political_Views} : End of the World Apocalypse Airlines: Fueled, on the Tarmac & Waiting for the End of the World

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{Political_Views} : political toons 8

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