Friday, 30 September 2011

{Political_Views} : Byron York: Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds good; will it work?


Washington Examiner Daily Political Digest

Byron York: Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds good; will it work?
Herman Cain's supporters know their part by heart. On the campaign trail, at the point in Cain's stump speech when he begins to discuss his plan for economic growth, they're always ready to join the chorus: "Nine! Nine! Nine!"
They're referring, of course, to the Republican presidential candidate's proposal to throw out today's tax structure and replace it with a 9 percent income tax, a 9 percent business tax, and a 9 percent national sales tax. Cain would eliminate capital gains taxes, the payroll tax and the estate tax.
Brian Hughes - Obama still silent on brewing Solyndra debacle
President Obama has remained silent weeks after a green-energy firm that received a more than $500 million loan from his administration went bust, avoiding a brewing controversy on Capitol Hill even as new details trickle out about the firm facing multiple investigations by Congress and the Justice Department.
Susan Ferrechio - Cain, Gingrich surge in GOP presidential race
As the political world waits breathlessly for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to decide whether to seek the Republican presidential nomination, persistent voter dissatisfaction with the party's front-runners has pushed the field's lower-tier candidates toward the front of the pack.
Joel Gehrke - Fla. primary move hurts Fla., helps Perry
If Florida moves it's primary to January, as expected, despite Republican National Committee rules to the contrary, the state will have less of an impact on the Republican nomination process because of the proportional representation and loss of delegates that would ensue according to RNC rules; such a sequence would benefit Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas.
Joel Gehrke - Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla.
PPP shows Paul trailing Obama 45-44 in a hypothetical general election match-up, while Romney lags Obama by the same margin, 46-45. Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, has a 7 point deficit on the president, 50-43 - likely because 63% of voters polled disagree with his characterization of Social Security as a Ponzi scheme.
Obama: America's gone 'soft'
New Jersey paper feeds more Christie rumors
Santorum: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan a huge mistake


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{Political_Views} Morning Examiner: GOP advantage over Dems grows



Morning Examiner: GOP advantage over Dems grows

By Conn Carroll
As good a year as 2010 was at the polls for Republicans, new Gallup polling this week shows 2012 could be even better.
Last year, for the first time since President Bush's first term, Americans told Gallup that Republicans "do a better job of handling the problem that you think is most important to you." Republicans also bested Democrats on "protecting the country from international terrorism and military threats" and "keeping the country prosperous."
But while the Republican advantage on "the problem that you think is most important to you" was only two points last year, 40-38, it has grown to 9 points this year, 44-37. By comparison, when President Obama won the 2008 election in a landslide, the Democrats enjoyed only an 8 point advantage on the same question.
Whatever course corrections the White House tried to make after their party was rejected at the polls in 2010, doesn't seem to be working.
Around the Bigs
The Hill, Durbin says Democrats don't currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill: Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., admitted yesterday that Senate Democrats do not have the votes to pass Obama's second stimulus: "The oil-producing-state senators don't like eliminating or reducing the subsidy for oil companies. There are some senators who are up for election who say 'I'm never gonna vote for a tax increase while I'm up for election, even on the wealthiest people.' So, we're not gonna have 100 percent of Democratic senators. That's why it needs to be bipartisan and I hope we can find some Republicans who will join us to make it happen."
The Washington Post, Chu takes responsibility for a loan deal that put more taxpayer money at risk in Solyndra: Energy Secretary Steven Chu claimed he was the one who approved the restructuring of Solyndra's loan after the firm first defaulted on the original loan in December 2010.
The New York Times, Banks to Make Customers Pay Fee for Using Debit Cards: Just as health insurers past on the cost of Obamacare to consumers in the form of higher insurance premiums, banks are passing along the cost of Dodd-Frank in the form of debit card fees.
The Hill, Draft spending bill would defund Obama healthcare law: House Republicans released a draft spending bill Thursday that would cut off $6.8 billion in funding for Obamacare implementation.
The Washington Post, Obama administration widens challenges to state immigration laws: In addition to suing Arizona and Alabama, the Obama Justice Department is considering suits against four new states with tough immigration enforcement laws including, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Utah.
Campaign 2012
Christie: The New Jersey Star-Ledger reports that Gov. Chris Christie "is seriously rethinking" a run for the presidency. The paper notes that while Christie still says "no" when asked, "He no longer says he's unprepared for the White House or that he lacks the requisite fire in the belly for a national campaign."
Obama: Vice President Joe Biden told Miami public radio Thursday that the Obama administration – not Bush – now has ownership of the struggling U.S. economy: "Even though 50-some percent of the American people think the economy tanked because of the last administration, that's not relevant. What's relevant is we're in charge."
Obama: While the Obama 2012 campaign is not conceding Ohio, they are looking at other paths to 270 electoral votes, focusing mostly on Virginia, North Carolina, and Colorado.
Cain: The Examiner's Byron York raises some questions about Herman Cain's '9-9-9′ plan: "9-9-9 would add a national sales tax on top of current income and business taxes, and would thus give Congress another tax to raise. Why couldn't 9-9-9 become 12-12-12? Or 15-15-15?"
Righty Playbook
National Review's Jonah Goldberg notes that Obama is now calling Americans "soft" and responds: "Seriously, in 2008 we elected a community organizer, state senator, college instructor first term senator over a guy who spent five years in a Vietnamese prison. And now he's lecturing us about how America's gone "soft"? Really?"
RedState's Erick Erickson notes that today is Sarah Palin's own previously identified drop-dead for running for president.
The Heritage Foundation will hos a chat today at noon to discuss Obamacare ascent to the Supreme Court.
Lefty Playbook
The Nation's Nathan Schneider sympathetically explains the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Daily Kos' Chris Bowers reports that the Occupy Wall Street protests are growing.
The Washington Post's Greg Sargent looks at the chances the China currency ma­nipu­la­tion bill has of getting out of the House and Senate.

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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 9-30-11

{Political_Views} A Government Unrestrained

> The 'Stingray' phone tracker is a secret no more. A device that is
> designed to locate cellphones even when they are not being used, is
> being used by law enforcement and government agencies without
> warrants or any concern what-so-ever for the Constitution or your
> right to privacy.
> Judge Andrew Napolitano is correct when he describes 'a government
> unrestrained'.
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> - Brasscheck
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{Political_Views} Capital market collapse A trader tells it like it is

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{Political_Views} The Middle East Bunker Busted

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{Political_Views} No criminal misconduct found in Nickolaus' actions - JSOnline

It says she violated the law. But she did it unintentionally so no charges. I say the old statement ignorance of the law is no excuse. She should be removed or forced to step down.
In further elections in Waukesha County and Brookfield should be monitored closely. If this country can say we have the right to watch and monitor elections of other countries to see that the vote is fair, then we or other countries should say they have the right to monitor our elections.It is just another example of the RepubliCons rigging and election. In my mind is Posser was leading at the end of the voting on election day or far behind  these votes would have never been found. But suddenly in a close election in the most RepubliCON county and the most RepubliCon city in Wisconsin out of the blue more votes are found that have not been counted.

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{Political_Views} Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse Police Brutality During Occupy Wall St. Protest

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{Political_Views} We Are All on the Titanic Together

> The police grabbing, smashing, and spraying protesters on Wall
> Street are in the same boat we are. They're losing their homes too,
> and suffering the same hardships as the people they are
> suppressing, so why are they beating their equals and defending the
> bankers?
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{Political_Views} Note to GOP Candidates: Obama's No Socialist | The Nation

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{Political_Views} The Tea Party Is Dead! Long Live the Tea Party (in the Media)! | The Nation

Ah yes but rest assured the corporate controlled media will bring it back alive come next years elections. Especially Fox News the National Enquirer for the illierate.

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{Political_Views} Charles Koch to Friedrich Hayek: Use Social Security! | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Cruel America | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Bradley Manning and Julian Assange Both Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | Death and Taxes

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{Political_Views} Cate Woodruff Reporting From Wall Street: Day 11

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{Political_Views} Companies Use Immigration Crackdown to Turn a Profit -

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{Political_Views} America faces a jobs depression | Robert Reich | Comment is free |

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{Political_Views} Richard Reeves: Class Warfare: Bring It On! - Truthdig

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{Political_Views} Live Coverage: Occupy Wall Street

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Thursday, 29 September 2011

{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 9-29-11

{Political_Views} taking a vacation

I will be posting today and maybe tomorrow morning. But I will be on vacation for a bit.
How long depends. I have an opportunity to see some baseball playoffs and if my team
stays in it maybe a world series game.

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{Political_Views} U.S. Consolidated Domination of Global Arms Market in 2010

It's the only things that comes with a made in the USA stamp.
It's the only things we have left to export.
Guns, War and Death

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{Political_Views} Big Oils Mountain of Cash

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{Political_Views} Job-based health insurance premiums rise sharply | McClatchy

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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

{Political_Views} Taking a Bush Secret to the Grave | Consortiumnews

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{Political_Views} Why You Never Really Log Out of Facebook

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{Political_Views} Russ Feingold on When Not to Make a Deal - The Annotated Frank Rich -- New York Magazine

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{Political_Views} Occupying Both Heads of the Beast

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{Political_Views} Political toons 2 928-11

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{Political_Views} Political toons 9-28-11

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{Political_Views} Today's Toons 9-28-11

{Political_Views} Groups of Animals



 The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns, or the various groups of animals.
 We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese.
However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.
Now consider a group of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not ... A Congress!
I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of Washington!

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{Political_Views} Boston Review Jeanne Mansfield: Why I Was Maced at the Wall Street Protests

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{Political_Views} Correcting the Abysmal 'New York Times' Coverage of Occupy Wall Street | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Rick Perry, Marlboro Man | The Nation

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Re: {Political_Views} Get angry and pass this on!: I Paid -- Didn't You?

I read it and sent the reply to my older sister who forwarded it to me. I told her the same thing about the government cannot run out of money and such. Heck according to the math I should be getting more than double of what I am.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: {Political_Views} Get angry and pass this on!: I Paid -- Didn't You?

I agree with the sentiment, however the math is all askew. 
For example, your contribution to Medicare 1.635% of the 7.635% that comes off of your check, meaning that you contributed only 6% to FICA (Social Security) as well as your employer did for a total of 12% not the 15% touted in the email. 
Secondly if you worked from the age of 18 until 65 that would mean that you worked 47 years.  If you averaged $30k a year for 47 years and paid into FICA at 12% then you would have contributed $169,200.  Now, even if you worked the 49 years touted in the email then your total contribution(s)  would have amounted to $176,400 and not the "close to $220,500" stated in the email. 
Thirdly then 12% of $30,000 is equal to $3,600 that was contributed in your name to FICA every year for the 49 years.  Fourthly, by my calculations - and I certainly could have made a mistake, however by my calculations at a simple 5% return compounded then the $176,400 would have grown to $724,905 and change and not the nearly $900,000 touted in the email. 
Fifthly drawing a mere 3% yearly would yeild you $21,747 and change.  Or about $5,000 less a year than the email stated.  Still, $22,000 a year is nothing to sneeze at.  Moreover even if the interest was no longer paid on your $725,000 it would last you over 33 years (again only withdrawing a mere 3% of the principal every year).  However if a 5% per year interest were to continue to be paid and you withdrew only 3% per year then the $725,000 principal would continue to grow.
Sixthly the author does not make it clear that the annuity mentioned that returns a mere 4% - ($725,000 x .04 = $29,000  $29,000/12 = $2,416.67 per month and not the $2,976.40 per month touted in the by the emails' author) - the author does not make it clear that you would need the $725,000 to buy that annuity.  They don't mention that they won't let you buy it on time or as a lay away plan of $3,600 a year.  PLUS if it's just you and not you + your employer you would only put away $1,800 a year and NOT the $3,600 a year that you would under FICA.  AND under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA - AKA Social Security) there is a disability component that would no longer be there.  You would have to buy that insurance seperately out of the $1,800 a year.  So all in all you would not have $725,000 to invest in a 4% annuity that would give you the $21,747 a year that you'd get from Social Security. 
Seventhly: FICA - SOCIAL SECURITY is NOT  a PONZI scheme.  Ponzis' scheme lasted only for one year and not the 70 + years that FICA has.  Ponzi skimmed 50% of the take off the top.  FICA skims nothing off the top.  Ponzis' scheme went broke.  Social Security is solvent.  It can pay everyone in the system at 100% until 2045 and then at 80% if nothing is done about it before hand.  The only thing that need be done is to get the millionaires and billionaires to pay into it like everyone else.  Right now if you earn $150,000 a year you stop paying into FICA after $105,000.  So if there were no "cap" then all earnings would be assessed for the 12% FICA. 
Remember it's not just the wage earner who doesn't pay 6% on the $45,000 but their employers' 6% share doesn't get paid either.  That folks is an additional $5,400 per year that doesn't get into FICA. 
Now 'tis true that Social Secuity is NOT an entitlement.  You (and I) paid into the system.  The baby boomers twice - once for themselves and once for their parents.  FICA is set to be reduced from the current rate of 6% sometime near 2050 when the vast majority of the baby boomers have passed on and the need for all that money won't be there.
The Federal Goverment didn't borrow the Social Security money.  The Social Security Administration needs to grow the fund so it buys securities such as Treasury Bills, and Government Bonds.  It does NOT invest in that gambling casino know as Wall Street.  It does not invest in brokerage houses such as Leahman Brothers, or in entities like ENRON. It does not invest in places that can go belly up and LOSE your money.  So the author of the email is correct on this one point.  Social Security is not an ENTITLEMENT, nor is it CHARITY nor a HANDOUT! 
The rest of the authors' email is pure rant.  The government cannot run out of money.  It has plenty of assets to sell to cover it's debts.  Governments all over the world sell bonds and such.  They guarantee that they will be paid off.  Even if the U.S. government has to turn the Interstate Highway System into a toll road to earn money the Federal government cannot go broke.  All it takes is for the Republicans to stop playing games with the lives of ordinary citizens.  Ordinary citizens who may dream of one day being the next Bill Gates but in all likely hood will remain Bill the plumber.  Congress - both parties - need to pass laws that would reduce the influence of money on elections.  Pass laws that raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires at least to the Clinton era level.  The Republicans need to stop their demogogery and put the needs of the nation and ALL of it's citizens first and foremost.

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{Political_Views} Harry Chapin on What Made America Famous

What Made America Famous?

People like this!

This may surprise you, but I prefer listening to speaking.  Listening is much more relaxing. And, as the Chairman of the Florida Democratic Party often says, I never learn anything when my lips are moving.

(Just to be clear, he says that about himself, not about me.  He didn't say, "I never learn anything when Grayson's lips are moving."  At least as far as I know.  But you get the idea.)

So even though my name is on the "From" line in this e-mail, I really don't feel an irresistible impulse to fill this page with my own insights and quips.  In fact, I'm quite happy to take the day off.  Which is what I'm going to do.

As we used to say in the House of Representatives, I'm going to yield to my esteemed colleague from Brooklyn, singer and songwriter Mr. Harry Chapin.  For a song that he wrote 37 years ago, called "What Made America Famous."  Here are the lyrics:

It was the town that made America famous.
The churches full and the kids all gone to hell.
Six traffic lights and seven cops and all the streets kept clean.
The supermarket and the drug store and the bars all doing well.

They were the folks that made America famous.
The local fire department stocked with shorthaired volunteers.
And on Saturday night while America boozes
The fire department showed dirty movies,
The lawyer and the grocer seeing their dreams
Come to life on the movie screens
While the plumber hopes that he won't be seen
As he tries to hide his fears and he wipes away his tears.
But something's burning somewhere. Does anybody care?

We were the kids that made America famous.
The kind of kids that long since drove our parents to despair.
We were lazy long hairs dropping out, lost, confused, and copping out.
Convinced our futures were in doubt and trying not to care.

We lived in the house that made America famous.
It was a rundown slum, the shame of all the decent folks in town.
We hippies and some welfare cases,
Crowded families of coal black faces,
Cramped inside some cracked old boards,
The best that we all could afford
But still too nice for the rich landlord
To tear it down and we could hear the sound
Of something burning somewhere. Is anybody there?

We all lived the life that made America famous.
Our cops would make a point to shadow us around our town.
And we love children put a swastika on the bright red firehouse door.
America, the beautiful, it makes a body proud.

And then came the night that made America famous.
Was it carelessness or someone's sick idea of a joke?
In the tinder box trap that we hippies lived in someone struck a spark.
At first I thought I was dreaming,
Then I saw the first flames gleaming
And heard the sound of children screaming.
Coming through the smoke. That's when the horror broke.
Something's burning somewhere. Does anybody care?

It was the fire that made America famous.
The sirens wailed and the firemen stumbled sleepy from their homes.
And the plumber yelled: "Come on let's go!"
But they saw what was burning and said: "Take it slow,
Let 'em sweat a little, they'll never know
And besides, we just cleaned the chrome."

Said the plumber: "Then I'm going alone."

He rolled on up in the fire truck
And raised the ladder to the ledge
Where me and my girl and a couple of kids
Were clinging like bats to the edge.
We staggered to salvation,
Collapsed on the street.
And I never thought that a fat man's face
Would ever look so sweet.

I shook his hand in the scene that made America famous
And a smile from the heart that made America great
You see we spent the rest of that night in the home of a man I'd never known before.
It's funny when you get that close it's kind of hard to hate.

I went to sleep with the hope that made America famous.
I had the kind of a dream that maybe they're still trying to teach in school.

Of the America that made America famous...and
Of the people who just might understand
That how together yes we can
Create a country better than
The one we have made of this land,
We have a choice to make each man
who dares to dream, reaching out his hand
A prophet or just a crazy God damned
Dreamer of a fool – yes, a crazy fool

There's something burning somewhere.

Does anybody care?

Is anybody there?

Here is Harry singing the song, solo and unplugged.

Harry Chapin.  Musician, author, playwright, humanitarian.  Congressional Gold Medal Winner.  Died in 1981, at the age of 38, in a head-on collision with a truck.  This is what it says on his tombstone, from a song he wrote:

Oh, if a man tried

To take his time on Earth

And prove before he died

What one man's life could be worth

I wonder what would happen

to this world.

Harry, we miss you.  And we sure could use someone like you alive today.


Alan Grayson

P.S.  This week is our quarterly filing deadline with the FEC.  We'd like to show that we have your support.  Please help.  Every dollar counts.

Paid for and Authorized by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson

8419 Oak Road, Orlando, FL 32819

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{Political_Views} Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore Arrives in Liberty Plaza |

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{Political_Views} Wall Street protests enter 11th day -

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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

{Political_Views} Big Oil '�Stop the Megaloads Now!' The Alberta Tarpits Abomination

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{Political_Views} News media corruption CNN Fake Libya War Video Exposed

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{Political_Views} The Middle East Sands of Sorrow - 1950

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{Political_Views} Why Are Honey Bees Disappearing?

> The average pollen sample taken from bees
> contained 6 pesticides in this study.
> They found that the honey bee genome is
> weak in genes for both immunity and in
> detoxification.
> The scientists here declare that if a class of
> pesticide called neonicotinoids isn't banned
> soon, honey bees will become extinct.
> This could lead to food shortages and worse.
> Video:
> - Alexandra
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> and videos with your friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Wall Street vs. Everybody | Common Dreams

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{Political_Views} Probe rattles Wisconsin politics - Tim Mak -

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{Political_Views} Unions BOOST Economy In Germany | Addicting Info

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{Political_Views} Truthdig - Tomatoes of Wrath

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{Political_Views} #OccupyWallStreet bleeds and leads / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis

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{Political_Views} "Fraught With Evil," Said the Supreme Court

This is the Tea Party's Constitution:
Fight Back!

When I was up in DC a week ago, visiting the Floor of the House, I asked on Democratic member what she thought about the Republicans being in charge. Her answer was interesting to me. "They want to do all these things that are unconstitutional. It's as though they've never heard of the Constitution."

I really hadn't thought of it that way. Cruel? Yes. Bigoted? Yes. But unconstitutional?

They claim to be the only patriots. They claim to own the flag. And they claim that the Constitution is theirs. Support our campaign, because we have the guts to tell them they are wrong.

I realized that she probably was referring to this gross obsession over what the federal deficit might or might not be in the year 2021, ten years from now.

Here is a simple fact, which seems to have eluded this tea-infused Congress. One Congress cannot dictate to any other Congress. Particularly when it comes to taxing and spending. So all of this gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over what the federal deficit might be in ten years is utterly – utterly – pointless. It's like trying to amend the law of gravity.

Under Article I, Section 7 of our Constitution, each Congress has the same right as another other Congress to legislate. This includes "raising Revenue" and "Appropriation of Money." (The Founding Fathers were pretty wacky when it came to initial caps, weren't they?) So our 112th Congress can "pass a Bill" setting the federal deficit for this year and next year, but that's about it. Anything that goes beyond the first week of January, 2013, when the 113th Congress will be sworn in, is subject to change by that Congress, and every subsequent Congress.

The Constitution also has this to say on the subject, in Article I, Section 8: "no Appropriation of Money [to raise and support Armies] shall be for a longer Term of two Years." (Which tells us precisely what the Founding Fathers would have thought about a 10-year war in Afghanistan and an 8-year war in Iraq, but that is another story.)

If you are sick and tired of listening to fools in three-cornered hats lecture us about a Constitution that they know nothing about, you're not the only one. Contribute to our campaign, and send those teabaggers a message.

Way back in 1879, i.e., long before the U.S. Supreme Court became an extrusion of the Republican Party, the Supreme Court also weighed in, in this holding:

Every succeeding legislature possesses the same jurisdiction and power with respect to [public interests] as its predecessors. The latter have the same power of repeal and modification which the former had of enactment, neither more nor less. All occupy, in this respect, a footing of perfect equality. This must necessarily be so in the nature of things. It is vital to the public welfare that each one should be able at all times to do whatever the varying circumstances and present exigencies touching the subject involved may require. A different result would be fraught with evil.

Newton v. Commissioners, 100 U.S. 548, 559 (1879).

Politically, all this teabag deficit-mongering is a weapon on mass distraction. But constitutionally, it's a farce.

Fight back against the farce. Stand with us. Join our campaign.

In a way, this shouldn't surprise anyone. They waive the Tenth Amendment around as if it were a magic wand. They want to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment because they don't like the idea that everyone born in America is American; in other words, they want the sins of the fathers to descend on the sons. They want to insert bookkeeping into the Constitution (the so-called "Balanced Budget Amendment"), but take a woman's right to choose out of it. And, of course, their hand-picked, litmus-tested, original-intented judges have thrown out over a century of constitutional precedent (e.g., Citizens United) whenever they've felt like it.

Instead of defiling the Constitution, I think that we should concentrate on the things that matter in our lives:




Real problems, and how to solve them.

Jobs. Health. Peace. That's the real world. Make a difference; support our campaign today.


Alan Grayson

This week is our quarterly filing deadline with the FEC.  We'd like to show that we have your support.  Please help. Every dollar counts.

Paid for and Authorized by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson

8419 Oak Road, Orlando, FL 32819

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{Political_Views} SHOCKING OBAMA SEX PHOTO!!!!!!!

Shocking Obama Sex Photo!!

BIG HAIRY NEWS EXCLUSIVE - This news organization has come into the possession of a photo that is sure to rock the Obama campaign, if not the administration.
The photograph, possibly taken at the White House, appears to show a three-way tryst between the President, First Lady, and the President's Teleprompter.
The White House has so far refused to comment on the shocking photo, below.
Obama three way