Wednesday, 30 November 2011

{Political_Views} Illegitimate BCS process holds game hostage - College Football -

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{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 11-30-11

{Political_Views} Ways to Inflate Your IQ -

Well lets see the best ways to inflate your IQ.
Don't vote RepubliCON -- they want to do away with the Dept. of Education and thus deflate your and your children's IQ.
Think Liberal and your IQ automatically jumps 20 points. After all the first 3 letters of the word LIB are also first three
of liberty. While the first the of Conservative well can we say conman, confidence scam.

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Herman Cain reassessing presidential candidacy - The Washington Post

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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

{Political_Views} Interview With Iraq Vet Scott Olsen About His Injury and Occupy Oakland

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{Political_Views} FTC Slaps Facebook Hand Over Privacy Deception | Threat Level |

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{Political_Views} That Bank Bailout Was Way Bigger Than Anyone Thought - Business - The Atlantic Wire

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{Political_Views} Hague says Iran will face 'serious consequences' over embassy attack | World news |

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{Political_Views} Shepherd of financial regulation law Barney Frank to retire at crucial time | McClatchy

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{Political_Views} Feds Withholding Evidence Favorable to Bradley Manning, Lawyer Charges | Threat Level |

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{Political_Views} Robert Reich (Restore the Basic Bargain)

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{Political_Views} 'Anthrax isn't scary at all compared to this': Man-made flu virus with potential to wipe out many millions should never have been created, warns frightened scientist | Mail Online

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{Political_Views} Judge rejects $285M SEC-Citigroup agreement

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{Political_Views} Locking up profits - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

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{Political_Views} And, We Have Gotten Used to It

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{Political_Views} And Some Wonder Why Americans Are So Dumbed Down? | Common Dreams

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{Political_Views} Internet has become 'surveillance machine': Julian Assange

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{Political_Views} Arab League Approves Syrian Sanctions -

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{Political_Views} Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress - Bloomberg

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{Political_Views} Things to Tax -

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{Political_Views} What Really Happened to Strauss-Kahn? by Edward Jay Epstein | The New York Review of Books

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{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 11-29-11

Monday, 28 November 2011

{Political_Views} Back to School

> Students at UC Davis demonstrate a textbook perfect example
> of how to deal with tyrants.
> Outnumber them, outclass them, and let them know there is
> nowhere for them to hide.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} War is a racket Obama To Deploy Troops In Australia

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{Political_Views} Europe explained in two and half minutes Truth in humor

> This is video scary on several levels.
> First, it was recorded over two years ago
> when the financial news media routinely mocked
> anyone who was concerned about the seriousness
> of the situation in Europe.
> Second, the commentators in this video are comedians,
> not bankers, financial analysts or central bankers.
> Third, they were dead right about the reality of
> Europe's situation.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Retired Police Captain to NYPD: "Don't be Wall St. mercenaries"

> Retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis joined the Occupy
> Wall Street protests and stood with the protesters. He wore his
> uniform, he carried signs, and he had something to say.
> He carried a sign that read "NYPD DON'T BE WALL ST. MERCENARIES"
> and, of course, later in the day he was arrested by Wall Street's
> mercenaries.
> In this clip Capt. Ray Lewis explains what it is that has motivated
> him to join the ranks of the rabble-rousers...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} The Big Agra Anti-Biotic Scam

> Scientists and health officials have raised grave concerns about
> so-called "factory farms". They have been called "mini Chernobyls"
> causing vast environmental damage and risk to human health.
> This clip elaborates on the use of human antibiotics on chicken
> farms as a 'growth hormone' and the loss of effective medications
> for people.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Northwest Oyster Die-offs Show Ocean Acidification Has Arrived by Elizabeth Grossman: Yale Environment 360

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Occupy This: Crazy Tom the FBI Provocateur

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{Political_Views} Foreclosed Homeowners Re-Occupy Their Homes - New America Media

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{Political_Views} New York's ardour for Michael Bloomberg cools | World news | The Observer

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{Political_Views} Egyptian military using 'more dangerous' teargas on Tahrir Square protesters | World news | The Guardian

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Sunday, 27 November 2011

{Political_Views} VIDEO: After Pepper-Spraying, A Powerfully Silent Protest At UC Davis : The Two-Way : NPR

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{Political_Views} Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion? : NPR

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{Political_Views} America Has Become a Fascist Police State

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{Political_Views} Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a Battlefield They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window B: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

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{Political_Views} John Kenney: We Are the One Per Cent : The New Yorker

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{Political_Views} Black Friday turns violent at 9 U.S. Walmart stores; at least 24 people injured | Detroit Free Press |

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{Political_Views} Robert Reich (A Thanksgiving Reflection: Looking Beyond Election Day)

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{Political_Views} The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free |

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Saturday, 26 November 2011

{Political_Views} Jonathan Chait on Liberal Disappointment -- New York Magazine

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{Political_Views} FOCUS: Big Carbon's Sock Puppets Declare War

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{Political_Views} A Statement from the General Assembly of Occupy Portland | Occupy Portland

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{Political_Views} Egypt protests: 'Friday of the last chance' - Friday 25 November | World news |

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{Political_Views} Socio-Economics "Black Friday": Madness of a Lost Society

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{Political_Views} Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State

> Yes, it wouldn't be as funny if it weren't so darn true.
> Emily delivered the winning rant at the Soapbox Idol competition
> from Porcfest 2011. Porcfest is short for the Porcupine Freedom
> Festival which is held annually in NH by the Free State Project.
> Also known as the Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia should replace
> the State...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

{Political_Views} Happy Thanksgiving

I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, even to those in other countries for whom tomorrow is just another day.
I will be with friends and family tomorrow and not be posting. Even the rest of the weekend is up in the air.
So enjoy all who partake don't eat to micu and I'll see you next week.

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{Political_Views} Amy Goodman: Pulling Accounts From the Unaccountable - Truthdig

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{Political_Views} Occupy protesters decry Obama's 'silence' on arrests

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{Political_Views} Waiting to die: Cervical cancer in America - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

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{Political_Views} Super Committee: Disappointed but Not Surprised


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{Political_Views} Robert Reich (The First Amendment Upside Down. Why We Must...)


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{Political_Views} Pentagon's War on Drugs Goes Mercenary | Danger Room |

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{Political_Views} UC Davis Pepper-Spray Incident Reveals Weakness Up Top | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

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{Political_Views} FOCUS | Occupy This: Learning From the Dark Side

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{Political_Views} FOCUS: UC Davis Students Are Role Models

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{Political_Views} Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here? ...a proposal from Michael Moore

Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here? ...a proposal from Michael Moore

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011


This past weekend I participated in a four-hour meeting of Occupy Wall Street activists whose job it is to come up with the vision and goals of the movement. It was attended by 40+ people and the discussion was both inspiring and invigorating. Here is what we ended up proposing as the movement's "vision statement" to the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street:

We Envision: [1] a truly free, democratic, and just society; [2] where we, the people, come together and solve our problems by consensus; [3] where people are encouraged to take personal and collective responsibility and participate in decision making; [4] where we learn to live in harmony and embrace principles of toleration and respect for diversity and the differing views of others; [5] where we secure the civil and human rights of all from violation by tyrannical forces and unjust governments; [6] where political and economic institutions work to benefit all, not just the privileged few; [7] where we provide full and free education to everyone, not merely to get jobs but to grow and flourish as human beings; [8] where we value human needs over monetary gain, to ensure decent standards of living without which effective democracy is impossible; [9] where we work together to protect the global environment to ensure that future generations will have safe and clean air, water and food supplies, and will be able to enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature that past generations have enjoyed.

The next step will be to develop a specific list of goals and demands. As one of the millions of people who are participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement, I would like to respectfully offer my suggestions of what we can all get behind now to wrestle the control of our country out of the hands of the 1% and place it squarely with the 99% majority.

Here is what I will propose to the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street:

10 Things We Want
A Proposal for Occupy Wall Street
Submitted by Michael Moore

1. Eradicate the Bush tax cuts for the rich and institute new taxes on the wealthiest Americans and on corporations, including a tax on all trading on Wall Street (where they currently pay 0%).

2. Assess a penalty tax on any corporation that moves American jobs to other countries when that company is already making profits in America. Our jobs are the most important national treasure and they cannot be removed from the country simply because someone wants to make more money.

3. Require that all Americans pay the same Social Security tax on all of their earnings (normally, the middle class pays about 6% of their income to Social Security; someone making $1 million a year pays about 0.6% (or 90% less than the average person). This law would simply make the rich pay what everyone else pays.

4. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, placing serious regulations on how business is conducted by Wall Street and the banks.

5. Investigate the Crash of 2008, and bring to justice those who committed any crimes.

6. Reorder our nation's spending priorities (including the ending of all foreign wars and their cost of over $2 billion a week). This will re-open libraries, reinstate band and art and civics classes in our schools, fix our roads and bridges and infrastructure, wire the entire country for 21st century internet, and support scientific research that improves our lives.

7. Join the rest of the free world and create a single-payer, free and universal health care system that covers all Americans all of the time.

8. Immediately reduce carbon emissions that are destroying the planet and discover ways to live without the oil that will be depleted and gone by the end of this century.

9. Require corporations with more than 10,000 employees to restructure their board of directors so that 50% of its members are elected by the company's workers. We can never have a real democracy as long as most people have no say in what happens at the place they spend most of their time: their job. (For any U.S. businesspeople freaking out at this idea because you think workers can't run a successful company: Germany has a law like this and it has helped to make Germany the world's leading manufacturing exporter.)

10. We, the people, must pass three constitutional amendments that will go a long way toward fixing the core problems we now have. These include:

a) A constitutional amendment that fixes our broken electoral system by 1) completely removing campaign contributions from the political process; 2) requiring all elections to be publicly financed; 3) moving election day to the weekend to increase voter turnout; 4) making all Americans registered voters at the moment of their birth; 5) banning computerized voting and requiring that all elections take place on paper ballots.

b) A constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and do not have the constitutional rights of citizens. This amendment should also state that the interests of the general public and society must always come before the interests of corporations.

c) A constitutional amendment that will act as a "second bill of rights" as proposed by President Frankin D. Roosevelt: that every American has a human right to employment, to health care, to a free and full education, to breathe clean air, drink clean water and eat safe food, and to be cared for with dignity and respect in their old age.

Let me know what you think. Occupy Wall Street enjoys the support of millions. It is a movement that cannot be stopped. Become part of it by sharing your thoughts with me or online (at Get involved in (or start!) your own local Occupy movement. Make some noise. You don't have to pitch a tent in lower Manhattan to be an Occupier. You are one just by saying you are. This movement has no singular leader or spokesperson; every participant is a leader in their neighborhood, their school, their place of work. Each of you is a spokesperson to those whom you encounter. There are no dues to pay, no permission to seek in order to create an action.

We are but ten weeks old, yet we have already changed the national conversation. This is our moment, the one we've been hoping for, waiting for. If it's going to happen it has to happen now. Don't sit this one out. This is the real deal. This is it.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Michael Moore

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{Political_Views} Egyptians rally against military rule - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

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{Political_Views} Stand together against the tar-sands scourge - The Globe and Mail

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{Political_Views} Seymour Hersh: Propaganda Used Ahead of Iraq War Is Now Being Reused over Iran's Nuke Program

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{Political_Views} BIG AND LITTLE


{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 11-22-11

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 11-22-11

{Political_Views} Banks find extra money to hire lobbyists in D.C. | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper

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{Political_Views} Ron Paul: Flawed policies helped lead to 9/11 - CBS News

Sometimes he makes a good point

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{Political_Views} Monsanto partners with USAID to push GM corn in Nepal

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{Political_Views} The 99% "Mic Checks" the 1%

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{Political_Views} Occupy Oakland Calls for TOTAL WEST COAST PORT SHUTDOWN ON 12/12 |

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{Political_Views} Bill McKibben, Keystone XL, and Barack Obama : The New Yorker

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{Political_Views} Cairo clashes cast doubts over Egypt vote - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

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{Political_Views} Egypt's naked blogger is a bomb aimed at the patriarchs in our minds | Mona Eltahawy | Comment is free |

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{Political_Views} How to buy a Congressman

> Former lobbyist Jack Abramoff (who spent time in prison after
> pleading guilty to corrupting public officials) exposed how the
> U.S. government is legally corrupted.
> The Young Turks Cenk Uygur breaks down clips from Abramoff's
> 60 Minutes interview.
> Call it 'How To Buy a Congressman 101'...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Patt Morrison interview with ICC's Luis Moreno-Ocampo -

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{Political_Views} Comment: Whose Police? : The New Yorker

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{Political_Views} Bank looted customer accounts via internal bank run & more

Like the sign says; "If they enforced Bank regulations like they do park rules,
                            We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place."

> This video from the Infowars Nightly News covers the gamut of
> current scandals.
> First, MF Global, the financial services company, raided some of
> it's customers accounts stealing hundreds of millions in an
> internal bank run just prior to declaring bankruptcy.
> Moving on from there, Aaron Dykes covers the fact that the crackdown
> on the Occupy Wall Street movement was organized federally by the
> Department of Homeland Security, an agency created to fight
> 'terrorism'.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Congress declares pizza is a vegetable

> At a time when childhood obesity is epidemic and government wants
> to hold parents responsible, congress slipped in a little provision
> to a huge government spending bill that will declare pizza and
> french fries as 'vegetables'.
> Why? Well it's certainly not for the benefit of your children's
> health. They're doing it to subvert school lunch program guidelines
> to protect frozen 'food' sellers and allow them to continue selling
> garbage to school cafeterias nationwide.
> Of course, it's the parents who will still be held responsible for
> childhood obesity...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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Sunday, 20 November 2011

{Political_Views} Is pizza a vegetable? Well, Congress says so | Lizz Winstead | Comment is free |

Order a pizza and you children will eat their vegetable.
What bullshit this is. Reagan even said Ketchup was a veggie.

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{Political_Views} Decline of American Exceptionalism -

The thing is every major power, Egypt, Greese, Rome,Spain, England thought the same thing in their time.

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{Political_Views} Heaven Is a Place Called Elizabeth Warren -

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{Political_Views} Understanding Why Occupy Wall Street Has Stymied Mayor Bloomber at Every Turn -- New York Magazine

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{Political_Views} Open Channel - Lobbying firm's memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street

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{Political_Views} Extreme Weather Set to Worsen With Climate Change: IPCC | Common Dreams

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{Political_Views} Human survival depends on space exploration, says Stephen Hawking - Winnipeg Free Press

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{Political_Views} Egypt: violent clashes in Cairo leave two dead and hundreds injured | World news | The Observer

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{Political_Views} UC Davis Not an Isolated Incident, It's Part of the Culture War - Forbes

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{Political_Views} UC Davis officers placed on leave after pepper spray incident -

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{Political_Views} UC Davis launches probe after pepper spray video - Yahoo! News

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{Political_Views} Who's wrecking America? Meet your 1% nominees

Click here to watch the video

And we'll expose them.

We've created a list of the 30 people doing the most to destroy our economy and democracy — a list created from the 5000 suggestions that our audience left over the last two weeks at This is a doozy of a list, filled with the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Rob Walton, and Jamie Dimon (of JPMorgan Chase fame). We're going to make videos exposing the worst of the bunch. Which ones? That's up to you. 

Vote for the worst of the 1% to expose the small subset of elites who are exploiting the 99%.

There is no shortage of bad men on our list (and yes, they are all men). We've got Hugh Grant, for instance — not the actor, but the CEO of Monsanto, a company that produces "Frankenfood" and conquers family farms nationwide. We've got Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary company Blackwater. And of course, we'd never leave off our friends the Koch Brothers.

Cast your vote to help America understand exactly how our democracy is being taken from us — and who's doing the taking.

Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team

P.S. I invite you to join me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

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Saturday, 19 November 2011

{Political_Views} FOCUS: UC Davis Police Violence Adds Fuel to Fire

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{Political_Views} Newt: Fire the janitors, hire kids to clean schools - Maggie Haberman -

Was wondering when one of these idiots would want to do away with child labor laws.

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{Political_Views} Next up: `Occupy Congress' - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

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{Political_Views} Democrats, Stop Caving In

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