Saturday, 31 December 2011

{Political_Views} 75 Years Ago Today, the First Occupy ...a note from Michael Moore

75 Years Ago Today, the First Occupy ...a note from Michael Moore

Friday, December 30th, 2011


On this day, December 30th, in 1936 -- 75 years ago today -- hundreds of workers at the General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan, took over the facilities and occupied them for 44 days. My uncle was one of them.

The workers couldn't take the abuse from the corporation any longer. Their working conditions, the slave wages, no vacation, no health care, no overtime -- it was do as you're told or get tossed onto the curb.

So on the day before New Year's Eve, emboldened by the recent re-election of Franklin Roosevelt, they sat down on the job and refused to leave. 

They began their Occupation in the dead of winter. GM cut off the heat and water to the buildings. The police tried to raid the factories several times, to no avail. Even the National Guard was called in. 

But the workers held their ground, and after 44 days, the corporation gave in and recognized the UAW as the representative of the workers. It was a monumental historical moment as no other major company had ever been brought to its knees by their employees. Workers were given a raise to a dollar an hour -- and successful strikes and occupations spread like wildfire across the country. Finally, the working class would be able to do things like own their own homes, send their children to college, have time off and see a doctor without having to worry about paying. In Flint, Michigan, on this day in 1936, the middle class was born.

But 75 years later, the owners and elites have regained all power and control. I can think of no better way for us to honor the original Occupiers than by all of us participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement in whatever form that takes in each of our towns. We need direct action all winter long if we are to prevail. You can start your own Occupy group in your neighborhood or school or with just your friends. Speak out against economic injustice at every chance you get. Stop the bank from evicting the family down the block. Move your checking and credit card to a community bank or credit union. Place a sign in your yard -- and get your neighbors to do it also -- that says, "WE ARE THE 99%." (You can download signs here and here.)

Do something, anything, but don't remain silent. Not now. This is the moment. It won't come again. 

75 years ago today, in Flint, Michigan, the people said they'd had enough and occupied the factories until they won. What is stopping us now? The rich have one plan: bleed everyone dry. Can anyone, in good conscience, be a bystander to this?

My uncle wasn't, and because of what he and others did, I got to grow up without having to worry about a roof over my heads or medical bills or a decent life. And all that was provided by my dad who built spark plugs on a GM assembly line.

Let's each of us double our efforts to raise a ruckus, Occupy Everywhere, and get creative as we throw a major nonviolent wrench into this system of Greed. Let's make the politicians running for office in 2012 quake in their boots if they refuse to tax the rich, regulate Wall Street and do whatever we the people tell them to do. 

Happy 75th!


Michael Moore

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{Political_Views} Is the Fed secretly bailing out Europe?

> Congress has told the Fed not to bail out Europe.
> Fed Chairman Bernanke in sworn testimony before Congress
> said he is not.
> Guess what?
> He's lying and if it goes wrong, it's going to make
> the 2008 Crash look like nothing.
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Better dying through mondern chemistry.

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Friday, 30 December 2011

{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 12-30-11

{Political_Views} .Political Toonz . .



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I'd like to see a list of the least admired man and woman.
A good bet G.W would up their along with Boehner and for Women Bachmann

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The problem is that the USA is militarizing the police force and that many of today's so-called riot police are being trained in Israel in the tatic that they brutaly use to supress the Palestine people in Gaza.

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Like I have said, for a party who keep shouting from their bully pulpit about to much government controling our lives, at the same time they want to control the lives and bodies of the majority of the USA population.

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Thursday, 29 December 2011

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Tell me why do these stories always have to come from other countries news?

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{Political_Views} abufares said...the world according to a tartoussi: 2011

Just in case the previous post did not go through here is the link.

{Political_Views} abufares said...the world according to a tartoussi 2011


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I don't have mixed feelings toward 2011. It was by all means the year, one which we can look at from the shortsighted vantage point of the here and now or from afar to perceive its magnitude from the acquired insight of a future in the making.

No, I have no doubts. I know exactly how I feel about it as it has been the epochal year of my life although certainly the most agonizing for all of us. I wouldn't be claiming prescience if I had previously predicted its inevitability. Although it took me, like it did everybody else, by surprise I have been waiting for it to happen for as long as I can remember.

The inflicted pain of 2011 will linger on for a few more years, of that I'm certain. Yet I'm optimistic that out of calamity my and other children will lead more dignified lives. They will dig within their own bags of memories to compare the before and after. They will bask in precious liberty earned with the limb and blood of their brethren who made, and still are making, the ultimate sacrifice.

Many compatriots are against subversive change. They chose to bury their heads in the sand or worse to vehemently oppose the natural human aspiration for freedom for several reasons, not the least of which is the preservation of their privileged economic position and/or chaperoned social status. They were of the opinion that if it ain't broke don't fix it and thus embarked on a blind mission of psychotic denial and base justification for atrocities and crimes perpetrated and committed. Needless to say that their defeatist outlook is only helping in delaying the fateful outcome but it won't put a dent on its certainty. Over decades of subservience they've learned to tip the scale in their favor exactly like all parasites in the animal and plant kingdoms. They were able to make a good living within a corrupt socioeconomic system, where they evaded fair competition and hard work. They'd rather live in advantaged voluntary servitude instead of being free among equals.

In the spirit of the season, however, let me wrap up my last post of the year by being as good-hearted as I have it in me and by offering my best wishes for 2012. May peace fill the lives of every human, animal and plant. May the new year bring honor to those who earned it. As for freedom, I'll simply quote Abraham Lincoln to express my sincere sentiments: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves". Happy 2012 everyone :-)


Isobel said...

I share your sentiments for peace and freedom in 2012, Abufares. I wish the best to you, and to everyone. Happy New Year.

Chet said...

Let there be peace and freedom in 2012. Happy 2012 to you and your family! Let us take each others hand and shout out to the world, FREEDOM FOR ALL.

abufares said...

Every year, I bottle the old one, cap it tightly and throw it to the sea. No regrets in them bottles, just plenty of hope that the currents might bring one within reach of another human.
She'll take the scroll out and read it aloud, above the cries of the crashing waves. "He was a good man", she would silently say and feels as if she had known me for all of her life.
I've left a good part of me in every bottle.
Happy New Year dearest friend. May all your dreams come true :-)

abufares said...

Amen to that!
Food and water to eat and drink. Air and freedom to breathe and live!

Shannon said...

You inspire me to blog once again. Peace to you in 2012.

Gabriela said...

Just yesterday I was reflecting about how some so unexpected events have happened before our eyes in just 365 days. This year made me think of 1991, another year of so fast changes. Although I might be more mature now, it's something that still amazes me. I think it will always amaze me.
Happy 2012, my friend!

Joseph said...

As 2011 comes to a close, and another tightly capped bottle gets propelled to the sea... I want to wish you, your loved ones, your Syrian brothers and sisters and the whole world an intoxicating PEACE that could never ebb.
Happy 2012 my friend.

On a different note, it is no secret that visiting your blog has never been less than delightful. Especially, when looking at a succession of 3 delights. The ass, Arak and Shanklish under VINTAGE ABUFARES on the right. :-)

abufares said...

It will be great to see you blogging again. A new year's resolution, perhaps?
Many thanks for your support.

abufares said...

Hola! 2011 was a bag full of magic tricks. Despite what a significant and timid part of the world population thinks I look at it as a gate for the future rather than as an end result.
The French Revolution lasted for 11 years while the American civil war for 4 years.
What 1789 was to the French and 1861 to the Americans, 2011 is to the Arab World. The Arab Spring is not going to blossom overnight. This is by the way what pessimists and defeatists use in their cowardly arguments. "Look at Libya", they would yelp, or something like, "Egypt was better off before this damned revolution". Their words only show how mentally myopic and historically illiterate they are.
Happy New Year my dear friend :-)

abufares said...

Thank you for your wishes. Thank you for being a friend.
I hope your new year is as delightful as a glass of Arak, as delectable as Shanklish and as wonderfully beautiful as this great piece of ass :-)