Sunday, 25 March 2012

{Political_Views} The Barbarism of the Health-Care Repeal Crusade -- Daily Intel (Also a rant)

A double standard when it comes to the Republicon's. They say that an unborn fetus has the right to life and it say;s so in the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution that everyone on the right thinks it does. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That's for an unborn, unalive, unable to breath on it's own fetus. But when it comes to actual living, breathing, working people that right to life does not exist. then that right is their only if you can afford to pay the high cost that insurance companies and big Parma charge. Hell even when the little people do secure healthcare through union organization the Republicon's want to destroy the unions for doing it. It's shameful in my mind that these people call this country the greatest most powerful ever onthe earth. Yet do everything to bring down the working class the people on who's back this country was built and yes that includes unions. Who fought their wars (except for WWII)? The working class not the sons and daughters of the rich. Yet even the vet get's it in the end unless you are a officer, when it comes to healthcare. Once that uniform is off you are just one of the poor slugs on your own "Beat it Buddy, if you really cared you would ahve stayed in the military and dies to protect my rich ass." 
  So I ask the Republicon who deserves the right of life more, the unborn or those that work to make you rich?

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