Saturday, 16 July 2011

{Political_Views} Fwd: FW: Fox And Friends Defends News Corps Hacking Scandal: ~We Should Move On." | ThinkProgress

I do not know how many times I have called Fox News the National Enquirer for the illiterate. Just listen to this. The P.R man makes it sound as if it was
The news organization that was hacked into , instead of it was them doing the hacking. They committed the crime they were not the victims.

Well they cannot at this moment distract the public with some murder trial in Florida or else where in the south (an area they deem worthy of such) So now they have to look at themselves in the spot-lite. A few years back their was a documentary called "OUT FOXED," which told about the shenanigans of Murdoch and Company. But people ignored it, especially those that watch Fox News as if it is Mosses coming from the Mount. "We should move on." My ass. Murdoch is no different than the lead character in Irving Wallace book "The Almighty," or the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies."

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