Monday, 31 October 2011

{Political_Views} TODAY'S TOONS 10-31-11

{Political_Views} Robert Reich (Wall Street is Still Out of Control, and Why Obama Should Call for Glass-Steagall and a Breakup of Big Banks)

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{Political_Views} Goldman Sachs and Occupy Wall Street's bank: the real story | Greg Palast | Comment is free |

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{Political_Views} Nearly 4 out of 5 of burglars use social networks to find empty homes - Yahoo! News

Reason is that way way to many people feel they have to be telling everyone what they are doing and where they are going 24/7.
"I'm doing the wash." "I'm going to work (or the store or bed or for a walk or what ever)."

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{Political_Views} Truth about the Federal Reserve & World War I

> Very informative short mashup of two
> documentaries, 'The Money Masters' and
> 'Zeitgeist' detailing the Panic of 1907, the
> events leading up to WWI and the Stock
> Market Crash of 1929.
> It's like deja vu all over again!!!
> Video:
> - Alexandra
> P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
> and videos with your friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Wall Street silencing whistle-blowers

> The corporations and banks, currently being protested by the Occupy
> Wall St. movement, have launched a financial blockade on the
> whistle-blower website, WikiLeaks.
> The corporations and banks, apparently, don't like the rabble
> hearing the truth. Especially if it's about them or the the
> diplomats they own.
> WikiLeaks is going to stop publishing secrets and may go dark
> all together with no funds to continue operations due to the
> blockade.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} 'NATO bombed Libya back into Stone Age'

> Just hours before it was announced that Colonel Gaddafi had been
> executed by the Al Qaeda linked rebels in Libya, Hillary Clinton
> was in Libya offering her support for the rebels and openly hoping
> for the 'capture or killing' of the deposed dictator.
> She got what she wanted, and now that Libyans have been liberated
> from the prosperity of their former ruler, they are free to endure
> the ethnic cleansing, genocide, and human rights violations without
> fear of Gaddafi ever coming back to build them hospitals, schools,
> or even roads.
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Bill Black: Prosecute Bank Fraud

> Banking fraud is not a left wing vs right wing issue.
> Bill Black says the perpetrators of the multiple-trillion
> dollar banking fraud in America "Could be prosecuted
> under existing Fraud Laws.
> "The FBI, 7 years ago knew that there was an epic level
> of mortgage fraud and predicted that it would cause
> an economic crisis. There's no excuse. We've had 7
> years to deal with open frauds...there is a paper trail
> that demonstrated the fraudulent intent of these
> banks. Well, where is the Justice Department?"
> Video:
> - Alexandra
> P.S. Please share Forbidden Knowledge TV e-mails
> and videos with your friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} A control grid beyond even Hitler's imagination

> Over the last few days we've demonstrated that there is a plan to
> bring society into a cashless system run by the very banks
> currently being protested by the Occupy Wall St. movement.
> We've even seen examples, like in Louisiana, where cash
> transactions are being banned.
> Piece by piece, step by step, we are being led into a system where
> EVERYTHING you do is regulated, controlled, and tracked, by the
> banks.
> This segment from the Corbett Report elaborates on what that
> society will look like, and it's not pretty...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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{Political_Views} Judicial corruption Judges Lock-Up Kids For Cash

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{Political_Views} Central banks Fed lets Bank of America insure multi-trillion dollar derivative (gambling) loss with FDIC insurance

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{Political_Views} 9/11 Truth and the Occupy Wall St. Movement

> It makes sense to me that the 9/11 Truth, the Anti-war, and the
> Occupy Wall St. movements would have some overlapping concerns and
> reason to work together.
> It's because the international banking cartels are behind almost
> all of the lawlessness at the very top. Bush, Cheney, Obama, et al.
> are owned, bought and paid for...
> Video:
> - Brasscheck
> P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
> videos with friends and colleagues.
> That's how we grow. Thanks.


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Sunday, 30 October 2011

{Political_Views} Products R Us: Are We 'Brandwashed'? : NPR

From day one we are all brainwashed about everything. From the food we eat to the religion we practice. On birth our brains are like
an empty program and from day one we get programed.

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{Political_Views} Tea Party Group To Bachmann: Quit Already | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

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{Political_Views} What the Costumes Reveal -

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{Political_Views} Remember What They Did in Oakland

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{Political_Views} Michael Moore To OccupyOakland: "There's no turning back, is there?" (Video): News: SFAppeal

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{Political_Views} Keeping It Clean: Maine's Fight for Fair Elections

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{Political_Views} Scott Olsen 'cannot talk' after injury at Occupy Oakland protest | World news |

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Saturday, 29 October 2011

{Political_Views} Elizabeth Warren Is Scary! | The Progressive

If she scares the RepubliCONS then you know she's good for this country.

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{Political_Views} Journalists Abandon the Fourth Estate

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Hey G20, Here Comes #ROBINHOOD | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters

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{Political_Views} Occupy Wall Street on the Move | Common Dreams

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{Political_Views} Defense Industry: Keep Paying Us or the Economy Dies | Danger Room |

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{Political_Views} Paul Ryan Heritage Foundation Speech - Paul Ryan Is Living in a Fantasy Land Older Than Ayn Rand - Esquire

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{Political_Views} Robert Scheer: Thirty Years of Unleashed Greed - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

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{Political_Views} Karl Rove's Secret Ploy? - Print View - The Daily Beast

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{Political_Views} Oakland and Other Cities Crack Down on ~Occupy" Protests -

Crack down all you want the people are speaking out and their voices as we are seeing can only be silenced by brutal police actions in riot
gear and body armor on unarmed citizens of this country. The same citizens that they swore to SERVE and PROTECT. The same whose
tax money goes to paying their wages. I ask are the police an arm of the law or are they just hired thugs by Wall Street, the rich and the

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{Political_Views} Occupy Oakland: Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail

Remember it was not until the Vietnam protest hit the bay area big time at Berkley that the movement took strong root.
Well the Occupy movement has hit it big time their now.
What starts with one drop in a small hole in the dam wall soon becomes a flood.

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{Political_Views} Google: US law enforcement tried to get videos removed from YouTube | Technology |

Once again stories about how the United States government the land of the FREE trying to censer FREE speech and suppress people from see that OUR government is using the SAME tactic's that other countries that OUR leaders have spoken out against as VIOLATIONS of people RIGHTS are being used by THEM against the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Once again this news has to come not from the so called FREE American press but from another country.

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{Political_Views} 10th anniversary of Patriot Act a day to mourn | The Progressive

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{Political_Views} NY Fed's $40 Billion Iraqi Money Trail - CNBC

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{Political_Views} Robert Reich (Wall Street is Still Out of Control, and Why Obama Should Call for Glass-Steagall and a Breakup of Big Banks)

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{Political_Views} Surprise! The Rich Are Still Getting Richer - National - The Atlantic Wire

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{Political_Views} FOCUS: A Witness to the Violence in Oakland

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{Political_Views} How to Be a 1 Percenter | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Occupy College | The Nation

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{Political_Views} Where Are the Women at Occupy Wall Street? Everywhere-and They're Not Going Away | The Nation

I know I am posting a lot on the Occupy news. I feel that this is the most important news and it is sad that except for putting the protesters in the wrong light ans showing the police arresting them it goes mostly unreported. No one questions the reasons, the why and the responsibility and actions of the banks and Wall Street.
The police whose jobs it is to serve and protect the populace seem to acting as hired thugs for the elite even as these same on percent work to take away their benefits and lower their wages. Why is that? What I fear is that they (the super rich) want the police the military vet to leave the force. WHY? Because then they can offer them more pay as a hired mercenary working for them and not the populace.
Blackwater is just one example of it and the leaders of this country especially in the RepubliCON party turn a blind eye because they
themselves are part of the one percent or want to be.

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Thursday, 27 October 2011

{Political_Views} Life Among the 1% ...a letter from Michael Moore

Life Among the 1% ...a letter from Michael Moore

October 27th, 2011


Twenty-two years ago this coming Tuesday, I stood with a group of factory workers, students and the unemployed in the middle of the downtown of my birthplace, Flint, Michigan, to announce that the Hollywood studio, Warner Bros., had purchased the world rights to distribute my first movie, 'Roger & Me.' A reporter asked me, "How much did you sell it for?"

"Three million dollars!" I proudly exclaimed. A cheer went up from the union guys surrounding me. It was absolutely unheard of for one of us in the working class of Flint (or anywhere) to receive such a sum of money unless one of us had either robbed a bank or, by luck, won the Michigan lottery. On that sunny November day in 1989, it was like I had won the lottery -- and the people I had lived and struggled with in Michigan were thrilled with my success. It was like, one of us had made it, one of us finally had good fortune smile upon us. The day was filled with high-fives and "Way-ta-go Mike!"s. When you are from the working class you root for each other, and when one of you does well, the others are beaming with pride -- not just for that one person's success, but for the fact that the team had somehow won, beating the system that was brutal and unforgiving and which ran a game that was rigged against us. We knew the rules, and those rules said that we factory town rats do not get to make movies or be on TV talk shows or have our voice heard on any national stage. We were to shut up, keep our heads down, and get back to work. If by some miracle one of us escaped and commandeered a mass audience and some loot to boot -- well, holy mother of God, watch out! A bully pulpit and enough cash to raise a ruckus -- that was an incendiary combination, and it only spelled trouble for those at the top.

Until that point I had been barely getting by on unemployment, collecting $98 a week. Welfare. The dole. My car had died back in April so I had gone seven months with no vehicle. Friends would take me out to dinner, always coming up with an excuse to celebrate or commemorate something and then picking up the check so I would not have to feel the shame of not being able to afford it.

And now, all of a sudden, I had three million bucks! What would I do with it? There were men in suits making many suggestions to me, and I could see how those without a strong moral sense of social responsibility could be easily lead down the "ME" path and quickly forget about the "WE."

So I made some easy decisions back in 1989:

1. I would first pay all my taxes. I told the guy who did my 1040 not to declare any deductions other than the mortgage and to pay the full federal, state and city tax rate. I proudly contributed nearly 1 million dollars for the privilege of being a citizen of this great country.

2. Of the remaining $2 million, I decided to divide it up the way I once heard the folksinger/activist Harry Chapin tell me how he lived: "One for me, one for the other guy." So I took half the money -- $1 million -- and established a foundation to give it all away.

3. The remaining million went like this: I paid off all my debts, paid off the debts of some friends and family members, bought my parents a new refrigerator, set up college funds for our nieces and nephews, helped rebuild a black church that had been burned down in Flint, gave out a thousand turkeys at Thanksgiving, bought filmmaking equipment to send to the Vietnamese (my own personal reparations for a country we had ravaged), annually bought 10,000 toys to give to Toys for Tots at Christmas, got myself a new American-made Honda, and took out a mortgage on an apartment above a Baby Gap in New York City.

4. What remained went into a simple, low-interest savings account. I made the decision that I would never buy a share of stock (I didn't understand the casino known as the New York Stock Exchange and I did not believe in investing in a system I did not agree with).

5. Finally, I believed the concept of making money off your money had created a greedy, lazy class who didn't produce any product, just misery and fear among the populace. They invented ways to buy out companies and then shut them down. They dreamed up schemes to play with people's pension funds as if it were their own money. They demanded companies keep posting record profits (which was accomplished by firing thousands and eliminating health benefits for those who remained). I made the decision that if I was going to earn a living, it would be done from my own sweat and ideas and creativity. I would produce something tangible, something others could own or be entertained by or learn from. My work would create employment for others, good employment with middle class wages and full health benefits.

I went on to make more movies, produce TV series and write books. I never started a project with the thought, "I wonder how much money I can make at this?" And by never letting money be the motivating force for anything, I simply did exactly what I wanted to do. That attitude kept the work honest and unflinching -- and that, in turn I believe, resulted in millions of people buying tickets to these films, tuning in to my TV shows, and buying my books.

Which is exactly what has driven the Right crazy when it comes to me. How did someone from the left get such a wide mainstream audience?! This just isn't supposed to happen (Noam Chomsky, sadly, will not be booked on The View today, and Howard Zinn, shockingly, didn't make the New York Times bestseller list until after he died). That's how the media machine is rigged -- you are not supposed to hear from those who would completely change the system to something much better. Only wimpy liberals who urge caution and compromise and mild reforms get to have their say on the op-ed pages or Sunday morning chat shows.

Somehow, I found a crack through the wall and made it through. I feel very blessed that I have this life -- and I take none of it for granted. I believe in the lessons I was taught back in Catholic school -- that if you end up doing well, you have an even greater responsibility to those who don't fare the same. "The last shall be first and the first shall be last." Kinda commie, I know, but the idea was that the human family was supposed to divide up the earth's riches in a fair manner so that all of God's children would have a life with less suffering.

I do very well -- and for a documentary filmmaker, I do extremely well. That, too, drives conservatives bonkers. "You're rich because of capitalism!" they scream at me. Um, no. Didn't you take Econ 101? Capitalism is a system, a pyramid scheme of sorts, that exploits the vast majority so that the few at the top can enrich themselves more. I make my money the old school, honest way by making things. Some years I earn a boatload of cash. Other years, like last year, I don't have a job (no movie, no book) and so I make a lot less. "How can you claim to be for the poor when you are the opposite of poor?!" It's like asking: "You've never had sex with another man -- how can you be for gay marriage?!" I guess the same way that an all-male Congress voted to give women the vote, or scores of white people marched with Martin Luther Ling, Jr. (I can hear these righties yelling back through history: "Hey! You're not black! You're not being lynched! Why are you with the blacks?!"). It is precisely this disconnect that prevents Republicans from understanding why anyone would give of their time or money to help out those less fortunate. It is simply something their brain cannot process. "Kanye West makes millions! What's he doing at Occupy Wall Street?!" Exactly -- he's down there demanding that his taxes be raised. That, to a right-winger, is the definition of insanity. To everyone else, we are grateful that people like him stand up, even if and especially because it is against his own personal financial interest. It is specifically what that Bible those conservatives wave around demands of those who are well off.

Back on that November day in 1989 when I sold my first film, a good friend of mine said this to me: "They have made a huge mistake giving someone like you a big check. This will make you a very dangerous man. And it proves that old saying right: 'The capitalist will sell you the rope to hang himself with if he thinks he can make a buck off it.'"


Michael Moore

P.S. I will go to Oakland tomorrow afternoon to stand with Occupy Oakland against the out-of-control police.

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Re: {Political_Views} Half See 2012 Campaign as "Dull," "Too Long"

One expects nothing less from the Corporate Media. Like China denying Tenimen square ever took place the corporate feels that by not reporting what really matters and what people are interested it's is minor or did not happen at all.
    But I'll tell you wait till the next movie or rock star get arrested or dies and it will be 24/7 top headline news of the century.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 1:53 PM
Subject: {Political_Views} Half See 2012 Campaign as "Dull," "Too Long"

Half See 2012 Campaign as "Dull," "Too Long" 
Americans are generally critical of the 2012 presidential campaign so far. More say the campaign has been dull (51%) than interesting (35%). With more than a year to go before the election, 50% already say the campaign is too long. The stories getting the most interest last week were the economy, the Ohio wild animals and death of Gadhafi. Read more

Well folks, you can plainly see that the corporately controlled right wing media doesn't want to cover the news that most folks find interesting.  For example 9% of the people say they followed the Occupy Wall Street news story however the percentage of news coverage devoted to the story was a mere 4%, and most of that was from a derisive point of view.  Here's another example: 12% of the people say the followed the "Withdrawal from Iraq" story and yet the percentage of news presented by the  lame stream media was a mere 5%.  Thirteen percent (13%) of us were interested in the escaped wild animals in Ohio story but again the lame stream media devoted a mere 4% of their news coverage to the story.  Lastly 12% of the people were interested in the Republicans' selection for their presidential candidate and yet the so called "news" devoted 17% of their news coverage to that story.  

In other words they aren't covering the stories we want to know more about, but they sure don't want us to miss out on any garbage the Republicon primary candidates are spewing out and filling our airwaves with.

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{Political_Views} PolitiFact Florida | Alan Grayson says United States has fifth-most unequal wealth distribution in world

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{Political_Views} Fwd: Last night in Oakland

Here is a soldier who went to another country to defend what he thought were the freedoms and rights of the people of this country.
He then comes home and exercises some of these rights, freedom of speech, right to peaceably assemble, and now lays in critical condition.
It is the police not the protesters who are armed and in riot gear, not the protesters. Has one protester thrown a stone? Has one fired a gun? Has one attacked a policeman? NO!! But the police across the country following the orders of politicians who most likely are under the control of the very same people the protesters are against orders them to create a violent situation and arrest and now possibly killing the first protester a Marine Vet back from Iraq.
I am surprised that the police are not wearing red arm bands with swastikas on them. I wonder why they are not matching with the protesters because many of their fellow policemen across the country are suffering the same as the protesters. Loss of job and no jobs, loss of retirement and homes, loss of benefits and pay cuts.
    The politician shouts from his pulpit in praise of the people of other countries who protest and demonstrate against the oppressions of their government  and the media reports it 24/7. Yet in the USA the protester, is met by the same response that other governments use and our politicians condemn and the media degrades or does not report. It is a shameful statement about how we want the rest of the world to act and be, and yet do not want to be themselves.

Last night, Scott Olsen, a Marine who served two tours in Iraq, was struck in the head by a "nonlethal" projectile fired by the Oakland police. The round fractured his skull, leaving him in critical condition.1 

Olsen had joined with other members of Occupy Oakland to peacefully protest the group's eviction that morning. When a group gathered to help Olsen after he was hit, a police officer threw a flash bang grenade into the group from a few feet away. 

Deeply disturbing video of the incident was captured by a local news crew and provides the clearest evidence yet of the lengths that authorities will go to to stop Occupy protesters from voicing uncomfortable truths about our economy.

Yesterday's eviction in the predawn hours2, and last night's violence against protesters, are only the latest attempts to silence the voices of those who are speaking up for the 99%. But members of Occupy Oakland, who faced the most brutal crackdown yet, refuse to be intimidated. They've called for another peaceful gathering tonight to stand up for their First Amendment rights.3

To help defend their rights, we're scrambling to put together a rapid response ad to run in Oakland urging the mayor and the police to end their brutal tactics and respect the protesters' rights. We want to make sure everyone in Oakland sees the footage of the crackdown for themselves. Every dollar we raise will go to pay for the ad, and if there's anything left over, we'll donate it to a group doing good work helping our veterans as they come home from war.

We're also supporting a petition by a local Oakland group—Causa Justa :: Just Cause—to Oakland's mayor to stop the police repression of Occupy Oakland. 

Many MoveOn members experienced the police crackdown firsthand last night. Here's what some of them said:

The police were intimidating and I have been to many protests in my life, but nothing quite like this. I have never seen such a police presence with such force, especially for a calm crowd. The tear gas was pretty brutal, it is still on my clothes and skin this morning. Anywhere in downtown Oakland had the smell and sting of the gas all night.  —Gina W.

We talked to the police across the barricades about how we were also fighting for them, for their children's shot to education without lifelong debt, for the preservation of their collective bargaining rights. We expressed this solidarity knowing that they might not be listening, but we also know that the reasons for not listening are deeply personal...  —Julie K.

As a retired military man, I wanted to reiterate what [I heard] the Marine Sgt espousing to the police: There is NO honor in brutalizing your own people. The tear gas stung but I have been exposed to worse, including Agent Orange. What I saw at Ogawa Plaza made me extremely proud of those brave souls that were passionate about their causes. As we say in the Marine Corp and Navy...BRAVO ZULU.—Pete H.

Thanks for all you do.

Justin, Marika, Anna, Laura, and the rest of the team

P.S. Many occupations are gathering at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT to stand in solidarity with Occupy Oakland. To find an occupation near you and see if they'll be gathering, go to


1. "Occupy Oakland protests—live coverage," The Guardian, October 26, 2011

2. "Police tear gas Occupy Oakland protesters," San Francisco Chronicle, October 26, 2011

3. Occupy Oakland, accessed October 26, 2011

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{Political_Views} UPDATE 2-Ex-Goldman director to face criminal charges-source | Reuters

With all the money the stole and will in the end, end up keeping it because it's in foreign accounts. With all the hardships they have caused millions of people worldwide, and I wonder how many will starve to death or die for lack of being able to get medial care. These people do not need just jail time. They need either life with no parole or the death sentence. Alcatraz need to be reopened and that is where they belong. With no TV's, no country club prison. Just a cell with a hard bed, a sink and a toilet.
Their is no such thing as a white collar crime. A name that is used when a gun or weapon is not involved. Or a victimless crime. The results of the actions of these people create poverty, push people into the desperation of committing crime just in order to live. So they are more guilty.

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{Political_Views} Atlanta police arrest Wall Street protesters - Yahoo! News

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{Political_Views} Karl Rove's Blueprint for Stopping a Jobs Bill -- Daily Intel

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{Political_Views} Why Rush Limbaugh Is Freaking Out About Occupy Wall Street | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

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{Political_Views} Rick Perry: The Best Little Whore In Texas | Politics News | Rolling Stone

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{Political_Views} Wall Street Isn't Winning It's Cheating | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

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{Political_Views} Rethink the Fed

Repeal the 13th amendment. Have congress do their job according to the Constitution, that being the only one's who run and control the money of this country.

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October 26, 2011

National Buz  Banner UPDATE

Rethink the Fed

Sen. Sanders Assembles Top Economic Panel
to Bring Fundamental Reforms to the Federal Reserve

This recession has been terribly difficult for  millions of Americans, making Social Security and Medicare even more  important

Sen. Bernie Sanders assembled some of the best economic minds in the country, including a winner of the Nobel Prize, to help him develop legislation to rethink and fundamentally reform the nearly 100-year-old Federal Reserve System.

Among the noted economists working with Bernie on recasting the role of the Fed will be Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, former labor secretary Robert Reich, Jeffrey Sachs, the director of The Earth Institute, and Lawrence Mishel, the president of the Economic Policy Institute.

A provision authored by Bernie, which was included in the Wall Street reform law, revealed the Fed secretly loaned $16 trillion to every major financial institution in the country, large corporations, wealthy individuals, as well as central banks throughout the world. Another provision in the bill called for a  Government Accountability Office investigation into conflicts of interest at the Fed. This report, released last week, found that a number of the members of the board were affiliated with the large financial institutions who received help from the Fed. In other words, the "bank regulators" turned out to be the same people who were being regulated. 

"Clearly, it is unacceptable for so few people to wield so much unchecked power," Bernie said. "Not only do they run the banks, they run the institutions that regulate the banks. This must change. We need a Federal Reserve which represents all of the people in our country, including the 25 million Americans who are unemployed or underemployed, not just CEOs on Wall Street and too-big-to-fail financial institutions."

Reforms: Bernie assembles panel of leading economists »

Analysis: Report finds inherent conflicts of interest at the Federal Reserve »
Read more in the Wall Street Journal »

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{Political_Views} Grayson on Maddow: U.S. 5th Most Unequal Nation

Alan Grayson, Speaking Out for the Little Fish:

After Alan Grayson's inspiring appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, drawing the first standing ovation for a guest in the history of that show and then 500,000 views on YouTube, Grayson followed it up with an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last week. Here is how it went:

MADDOW: "Joining us tonight for the interview is former Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida. Mr. Grayson represented Florida`s Eighth District from 2009 to 2011. Congressman Grayson, thanks very much for being with us. It`s nice to see you again.

GRAYSON: Thank you.

MADDOW: You have and have always had a knack for saying things in a way that connects with people. Sometimes you upset your critics, but you definitely always enthuse your supporters. The "Occupy Wall Street" protests also seem to be connecting with people despite a campaign on the right to portray them as scary. What do you think is resonating so much here?

GRAYSON: I think that they have their eyes open, and more and more people are seeing the scales fall from their eyes as well. The "Occupy Wall Street" people are saying, first, that there`s no accountability on Wall Street. They wrecked our economy. Years ago, they took a healthy economy and they gave us 9 percent, 10 percent or more unemployment. And they destroyed 20 percent of our national wealth in the course of just 18 months, from the middle of 2007 to the end of 2008. They destroyed 20 percent of our national wealth accumulated over the course of two centuries, and nobody`s been prosecuted for it. Nobody`s been indicted. Nobody`s been convicted. So, first, there`s no accountability.

The second thing is that they`ve created a system that is enormously unequal. And the result of that is people are struggling to find a job to pay their bills, to pay their rent, to pay their credit card bills. According to Wikipedia, there are only five countries in the entire planet that are more unequal than the United States, in the distribution of our wealth. That`s a system that Wall Street created, that Wall Street maintains, and that Wall Street enforces.

And the way that they enforce it is the third gripe. The third gripe is Wall Street controls and dominates our political system. One party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street, and the other party caters to Wall Street all too much. So, people got into the situation right now where they feel that the system is completely unresponsive, and they`re driven deeper and deeper into debt and misery.

MADDOW: With a movement with that kind of message, how do you think it ends up playing out and affecting American politics more broadly? Not even necessarily in strict electoral terms. But how does it change the framing of issues. I mean, the right is trying to denounce the existence of protests at all as mobs and social unrest. Glenn Beck today ranting that people are going to be dragged from their homes and killed in the streets. The kinder, softer version of that on the right is to say that the protesters are motivated by class envy and class resentment, dividing the nation. The right is reacting to this in slightly hysterical terms. That implies to me that people have a message here that the right is worried about.

GRAYSON: Well, I think that Glenn Beck is right. It`s only a matter of time before they do take him away -- but not the way that he means -- you know, in a straitjacket. That`s how they`ll take him away. That much is obvious.

But fundamentally, ask yourself what do people want? Solutions to their problems. And what is either side offering in the next election? People don`t see any solutions to their problems.

You know, as I said earlier, there are 24 million people in this country who can`t find full-time work. There are 50 million people in this country who can`t even see a doctor when they`re sick. They want to know what`s being done about this. What is going to help them in their ordinary, everyday lives. They`re desperate for solutions to those problems.

The Right certainly isn`t offering any. You heard Herman Cain. His answer is: get a job. Well, it`s not that easy. You know, if one person is out of work, maybe that one person can find a job. But if 24 million people are out of work, that`s just not possible.

The economy has been grossly mismanaged by Wall Street and by others. And people see that Wall Street is running our economic policy. That Big Oil is determining our energy policy, and that the military- industrial complex is determining our foreign policy and miring us in these endless, costly wars.

People are just fed up. So, what do they do? What`s left to do? What is the one thing you can still do as a human being? You can go someplace. You can go someplace, and in this world of the Internet, you can show yourself. And that`s what the people on 'Occupy Wall Street' are doing. They`re doing the one last human thing left. They`re going somewhere."

After the Maddow interview, Politifact contacted Grayson, and asked him to prove the statement that the United States has the fifth most unequal distribution of wealth in the world. Which Grayson did, adding: "there is overwhelming, staggering inequality in America, however it is measured, and that inequality substantially exceeds the inequality in many other countries. That is not merely 'True' but 'Profoundly True' and 'Largely Ignored.'" Politifact then rated Grayson's statement as "True."

Seriously, who else in America has the brains and the guts to speak out this way? Who else is talking about the real issues in our lives? WE NEED ALAN GRAYSON IN CONGRESS! Click here, and contribute to our campaign today. Every dollar counts, and every person counts.

Paid for and Authorized by the Committee to Elect Alan Grayson

8419 Oak Park Road, Orlando, FL 32819

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