Washington Examiner Daily Political Digest
Michael Barone: Revolt against experts helps Herman Cain
At the moment national polls show Herman Cain leading or tied for the lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. This despite the fact that he has never won an election, has never held public office (except on a regional Federal Reserve advisory panel), and has shown prodigious ignorance on some important foreign policy and domestic issues.
Perry bets comeback on flat tax proposal
Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday called for the creation of a national flat tax on income, seeking to reignite a floundering presidential bid by overhauling a tax code that has long frustrated conservatives.
Perry attacks Romney's conservative principals
"How do you change at the age of 50 or 60 positions on life, positions on guns, positions on traditional marriage?" Perry asked, "I mean those aren't minor issues, Bill. So to change those at the age of 50 or 60 tells you all you need to know about that."
Bachmann plummets in GOP presidential race
Michele Bachmann, once a rising star of the Republican presidential field, is sinking into political oblivion.
FBI reports gang 'infiltration' of U.S. military
Gang members have been signing up with the United States Armed Forces, posing a "significant criminal threat" to law enforcement, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
As governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius cited privacy concerns in opposing the release of documents sought during an investigation into criminal wrongdoing at state abortion clinics.
Yet now, as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sebelius's department is proposing new rules that could create government databases containing the health records of all Americans.
Sebelius's shifting stance on privacy
As governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius cited privacy concerns in opposing the release of documents sought during an investigation into criminal wrongdoing at state abortion clinics.
Yet now, as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sebelius's department is proposing new rules that could create government databases containing the health records of all Americans.
In the Occupy D.C. food tent
Want a free lunch from your friendly local Occupy D.C. café? Simply walk up and sample their selection of Vegan casserole, sourdough bread, salad, or apples.
Romney organizes in Va. for presidential race
Republican Mitt Romney, who on Wednesday will make his first public appearance in Virginia as a presidential hopeful, already has a much larger campaign organization in place in the Old Dominion than any of the other GOP White House contenders.
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