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The GEO Group, along with CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) are the two largest private prison and immigrant detention operators in the country. At an average rate of $200 per night/per inmate, private prison operators profit over $5 billion a year. How do they do it? Like con-artists, they lure town councils and local government officials with promises of easy money and increased revenue. However, what they don't tell them is at what cost!
Watch the results of our investigation!
Littlefield, Texas found out the hard way. The GEO Group promised increased "product" (aka detained immigrants) and alleged prosperity for a town that was struggling with an economic crisis. Instead, what Littlefield got was a mega-complex private facility, an additional $10 million contractual debt, and a fleeing population.
Expose the truth about private prisons. Tweet this video right now!
CCA and the GEO Group have spent more than $20 million lobbying local, state and federal officials and in campaign contributions to candidates running for these offices. They do so to have more facilities built and to increase their already bloated profits – even if these immigrant detention centers are not needed.
Alert your local community and network by posting this video on your Facebook wall.
Together we can stop the private prison racket. Yours, Axel Caballero and the Cuéntame team. I invite you to join Cuéntame on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. | |  | To ensure delivery of our emails, please add info@bravenew01.org to your address book. Brave New Foundation | 10510 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 | | To modify your email preferences or to unsubscribe, click here
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