A month ago, I wrote a note called "The Myths That Are Killing Us" – the hard myths that no Republicans, and very few Democrats, ever challenge. Here was my list:
- The Government can't create jobs. (Tell that to FDR, who created four million jobs in three months.)
- Tax cuts reduce the deficit. (Doesn't it bother them that a man named "Laffer" came up with this one?)
- A fetus is a baby.
- The poor have too much money.
- Cutting the federal deficit will end the recession.
- The rich are incentivized by tax cuts, while the poor are incentivized by lower wages, no benefits, an end to the minimum wage, and unemployment.
- An unwanted child is God's will.
- Everyone who wants health insurance has it.
- The problem with education is the teachers.
- The "free market" satisfies every human need.
- There is no discrimination in America anymore.
- The distribution of wealth and income are irrelevant.
- One gender is better than the other, one race is superior to all others, and there is only one true religion.
- You can get any medical treatment that you need, for free, in any hospital emergency room.
- Ronald Reagan won the Cold War.
- The environment can protect itself.
- It is better for America to be feared than loved.
- Only the wealthy create jobs.
- America is a Christian nation.
- Human beings are not the cause of climate change.
- Minority women have children in order to qualify for welfare.
- President Obama wants to take away our guns.
- The more we spend on the military, the safer we are.
- Corporations use tax cuts to hire people.
- The unemployed are lazy and stupid.
- Rich people are smarter than everyone else.
- We will never run out of oil.
- Invading foreign countries wins hearts and minds.
- Science is a matter of opinion.
- Instigating unnecessary wars shows your support for the troops.
- Corporations are people.
- Money is speech.
And if we could just get past all of these myths, then think about what a great place this would be.
Alan Grayson
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