Well the first photo is of a RepubliCON. Why? Because it is in a bathroom and since Republicons are full of you know what 99% of the time.
Also since the room is also their favorite pick up place especially in airports, it is clear that photo is Republicon.
The second one is a Democrat. Why? Because his bones and his ideas have been picked clean with them backing down, and trying to compromise
with Republicons, when the Republicons say their number one job is not to solve the countries problems, but to make sure Obama is a one
term president.
Also number 3 is the American people mostly the Tea Party who listen to the corporate owned news media especially FOX and believe the crap
they spill on then 24/7. Also for not realizing their bones also have been picked clean by the super rich and corporations and banks because of
RepubliCon removal of regulations back to pre great depression days which caused the return of it under the new name Recession.
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