Byron York: Romney health plan still faces GOP challenge
There's a big disconnect between Mitt Romney and many Republicans over the Massachusetts health plan known as Romneycare. The Romney campaign believes questions about the plan have been asked and answered and there is little left to talk about. Some Republicans -- it's not clear how many, but a significant number -- believe the discussion hasn't even started.
Mark Tapscott - Why Romneycare is Romney's biggest problem
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney took some hard hits in Tuesday's night's Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas. He took a harder hit yesterday on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.
Hayley Peterson - Obama touts 'collective action' in Gadhafi's death
President Obama celebrated the death of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Thursday as a major victory for the Libyan people and a vindication of his own foreign policy.
David Freddoso - Cain tries, fails to clarify on abortion
Taken out of context, this might work. As with Cain's other statements on the topic, it contains all the right talking points. But in the context of the interview he gave, this fails to cohere logically.
Philip Klein - Abortion stance could torpedo Cain's candidacy
If Iowa voters begin to think of Cain as wobbly on abortion, he'll no longer be a contender for the nomination.
Susan Ferrechio - Perry proposes flat tax to counter Cain's 9-9-9
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is trying to reclaim a spot atop the field of Republican presidential candidates with a proposal to replace the existing federal tax code with a flat tax, a move that allows Perry to directly challenge businessman Herman Cain, whose 9-9-9 tax plan has propelled him in the polls.
Cain tweaks tax 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions
Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain is redefining his tax plan to allow some deductions, abandoning the zero-exemption feature of his "9-9-9" plan, which has helped win headlines but would have meant a tax increase for more than four-fifths of Americans.
Joel Gehrke - Eureka! Occupiers buy corporate America
Occupy Wall Street protesters in Washington D.C. have occupied McPherson Square, but with the aid of conveniences supplied by corporate companies traded on Wall Street.
Timothy P. Carney - Does killing a dictator make an illegal war legal?
There are many liberals whose foreign policy arguments against Bush were principled. There were many, we now see, who were simple partisans.
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Washington Examiner Daily Political Digest
Byron York: Romney health plan still faces GOP challenge
There's a big disconnect between Mitt Romney and many Republicans over the Massachusetts health plan known as Romneycare. The Romney campaign believes questions about the plan have been asked and answered and there is little left to talk about. Some Republicans -- it's not clear how many, but a significant number -- believe the discussion hasn't even started.
Mark Tapscott - Why Romneycare is Romney's biggest problem
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney took some hard hits in Tuesday's night's Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas. He took a harder hit yesterday on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.
Hayley Peterson - Obama touts 'collective action' in Gadhafi's death
President Obama celebrated the death of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Thursday as a major victory for the Libyan people and a vindication of his own foreign policy.
David Freddoso - Cain tries, fails to clarify on abortion
Taken out of context, this might work. As with Cain's other statements on the topic, it contains all the right talking points. But in the context of the interview he gave, this fails to cohere logically.
Philip Klein - Abortion stance could torpedo Cain's candidacy
If Iowa voters begin to think of Cain as wobbly on abortion, he'll no longer be a contender for the nomination.
Susan Ferrechio - Perry proposes flat tax to counter Cain's 9-9-9
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is trying to reclaim a spot atop the field of Republican presidential candidates with a proposal to replace the existing federal tax code with a flat tax, a move that allows Perry to directly challenge businessman Herman Cain, whose 9-9-9 tax plan has propelled him in the polls.
Cain tweaks tax 9-9-9 tax plan to allow exemptions
Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain is redefining his tax plan to allow some deductions, abandoning the zero-exemption feature of his "9-9-9" plan, which has helped win headlines but would have meant a tax increase for more than four-fifths of Americans.
Joel Gehrke - Eureka! Occupiers buy corporate America
Occupy Wall Street protesters in Washington D.C. have occupied McPherson Square, but with the aid of conveniences supplied by corporate companies traded on Wall Street.
Timothy P. Carney - Does killing a dictator make an illegal war legal?
There are many liberals whose foreign policy arguments against Bush were principled. There were many, we now see, who were simple partisans.
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