SECULAR-- Does any right-winger know the meaning of this word? I doubt it. So let me put it here.
Secular--1. NOT RELIGIOUS; Not connected with any church.
2. Not bound by a monastic vow.
Source Webster's New World Dictionary.
So to remind the evangelical right, Newt, Rick (Perry and Santorum) Mitt, Michael and the rest that also means not bound or connected with the
Christian religion ANY BRANCH OR FORM of Christian religion. For these people to even campaign on religion would be and is a violation of their
oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. This country was not founded on the bible nor was it founded on the Torah, the Quran
or the teachings of Buddha or any other religious publication. I know their are people who point out that buildings in Washington have the 10 commandments on them,
have Christian prayers or sayings and they point to them as proof of the Founders wanting a Christian nation. Well folks look at when they were built.
The Founders of this country were all dead and gone by this time and from reading the writings of several I have doubt they would have approved.
I hear this Freedom of religion quote from Preachers, political candidates, I hear the statements that the government want to curtail one's
belief. I hear the statement that we must get back on the road to salvation and a Christian nation. Well BULL SHIT. What I hear is people
saying one can have all the religious freedom they want as long as it is Christian freedom practiced like they say it should be practiced.
I hear people who want to live in the dark ages, WHICH BY THE WAY THAT'S WHAT THEY CALLED IT WHEN RELIGION DID RULE.
I hear people quoting the bible which just happen to be written a thousand years before Christians knew America even existed.
They quote it alright but mostly 99.9 percent of the time the OLD Testament. Oh they bring up the name of Jesus and quote Genesis or Exodus and they
are great at quoting Leviticus. About the only book of the new Testament they love is Revelations. By the way that book starts with saying in
chapter one that ---"things which MUST happen shortly." I do not think 2000 years later it shortly do you?? How many people have jumped off
a cliff swallowed the kool-aide or taken the poison believing this?
Anyway back to a SECULAR government. That word and the First Amendment must be a thorn in these so called Christians. It works
both ways. The government cannot dictate to any religion what it preaches or the way it worships. But then again a religion any religion
cannot dictate to the government on how it must govern. It also surprises me that they forget another right in that amendment; the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances. No offense intended here but since most
of these so-called Evangelical's, Baptists, born again Christens come from the south they forget about the dog's water hosing and killings that
took place when King peaceably sat down at a lunch counter or Rosa Parks at the front of a bus.
Republican's (i.e. CONS) want it both ways. You want government not to dictate to you what to do say or pray or how to live your lives. While at
the same time you want to dictate what those who do not agree or want to live the way you do how we should live ours.
I'll end this with some did you knows that I got off the net.
The original Constitution of the United States that was ratified in 1789 had only one reference to religiol; [article 6] NO RELIGIOUS TEST SHALL EVER BE REQUIRED AS A QUALIFICATION TO ANY OFFICE OR PUBLIC TRUST UNDER THE UNITED STATES. (so lets leave the first amendment out of the Presidential race).
The defacto motto of the United states, adopted as part of the Great Seal of the U.S. by an act of congress in 1782 was E. PLURIBUS UNUM (Out of Many, One). Congress changed it 174 years later (1956) to "In God We Trust."
The original "Pledge of Allegiance" was written in 1892 by a Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy who DID NOT INCLUDE the words "Under God." Those were added by Congress (against the will of Bellamy's family) 62 years later (1954)
The U.S. didn't issue Currency until 1861, and "In God We Trust" didn't appear on it for 96 years (1957)
In a time when fear is traded like a commody and the words socialism and God are being used to create the same fear racism and hate of the old word Communism, let's remember our country was not founded on fear or a religious crusade with Washington riding in front of the troops carrying a cross. No our nation was founded out of hope for a better world where all the people are EQUAL not just those who believe on one religion or another. That like the original motto of this country says we were ONE from MANY.
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