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Amy Goodman, Op-Ed: "Seventy-five years ago, the Spanish town of Guernica was bombed into rubble. The brutal act propelled one of the world's greatest artists into a three-week painting frenzy. Pablo Picasso's 'Guernica' starkly depicts the horrors of war, etched into the faces of the people and the animals on the 20-by-30-foot canvas. It would not prove to be the worst attack during the Spanish Civil War, but it became the most famous, through the power of art." |
Ben Sherman, News Analysis: "In 2006, the Republican-led Congress passed an unnecessary law requiring the United States Postal Service to prefund its pension benefits for 75 years through a $5.5 billion annual payment. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA) is theonly one of its kind for a government agency. On August 1st of this year, the Post Office will likely default for the first time in its history on its 2011 pension payment." |
Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: "Here's some useful advice from an old country saying: Never try to teach table manners to a pig — it doesn't work, it'll wear you out, and it just annoys the pig. The same advice goes for anyone who thinks they can teach even a bit of common sense to the preening political ideologues who've taken over the Republican Party and the U.S. House of Representatives. As we've seen in their incessant, pigheaded attacks on the health care reform law, their minds are not merely fogged up with extremist anti-government theories, they're impervious to rational thought." |
Julio Godoy, News Analysis: "Improving family planning to avoid unwanted pregnancies in developing countries, as well as assuring girls' access to education, and women's participation in the economy, are essential components of a sound development policy, according to Western experts and African activists. During a summit on family planning in London last week numerous economic development experts, government delegates from industrialised and developing countries, and private donors agreed to raise some 4.3 billion dollars by 2020 to allow 120 million women and girls in the world's poorest countries." |
Yotam Marom, Op-Ed: "A couple of weeks ago, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an article of mine — some thoughts and suggestions for the Israeli social justice movement from the perspective of someone involved in Occupy Wall Street and connected to Israel and Palestine from afar. I received a lot of feedback from that letter, and it prompted constructive responses like Udi Pladott'sHaaretz op-ed. In that light, I want to sharpen the discussion that my earlier article began." |
Dafna Linzer, News Report: "The Obama administration has asked for a fresh review of an Alabama federal inmate's commutation request and directed the Justice Department to conduct its first ever in-depth analysis of recommendations for presidential pardons, according to several officials and individuals involved." |
Video Report: "Alejandra and David Cruz have lived in their home for seven years. But because of a glitch on the PNC Bank's auto-billing system they have fallen into foreclosure despite being willing and able to pay their mortgage. Since then, Occupy Homes MN turned the house into a social center to protest the unfair eviction and Alejandra Cruz has put together a petition to negotiate the foreclosure, garnering more than 200,000 signatures already." |
Tom Engelhardt, Op-Ed: "When my daughter was little and I read to her regularly, one illustrated book was a favorite of ours. In a series of scenes, it described frustrating incidents in the life of a young girl, each ending with the line -- which my tiny daughter would boom out with remarkable force -- 'that makes me mad!' It was the book's title and a repetitively cathartic moment in our reading lives." |
Michael Beckel, News Analysis: "Five months after the Center for Public Integrity reported that four of President Barack Obama's Cabinet members were willing to raise money for Democratic super PACs, the top Republican investigator in the House is asking for details. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is "investigating the frequency with which Cabinet Secretaries appear at super PAC events and whether government funds have been used for travel to and from these events," according to a July 12 letter obtained byPolitico." |
Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 305 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event." |
Robert Reich, Op-Ed: "President Obama is slamming Mitt Romney for heading companies that were 'pioneers in outsourcing U.S. jobs,' while Romney is accusing Obama of being 'the real outsourcer-in-chief.' These are the dog days of summer and the silly season of presidential campaigns. But can we get real, please? The American economy has moved way beyond outsourcing abroad or even 'in-sourcing.'" |
Jeffrey Frankel, Op-Ed: "Pro-cyclical fiscal policy worsens the dangers of overheating, inflation, and asset bubbles during booms, and exacerbates output and employment losses during recessions, thereby magnifying the swings of the business cycle. Yet many politicians in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the eurozone seem to live by it. They argue against fiscal discipline when the economy is strong, only to become deficit hawks when the economy is weak." |
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