Saturday, 20 August 2011

{Political_Views} Rick Perry: Outflanking George W. Bush on the Far Right - The Daily Beast

Dumber than Bush!!!! Well he is from Texas and we have seen what 3 Texas Presidents got us into.
Viet Nam
Invade Panama
Gulf War one
Economic failure (yea right it was all Obama's doing)
What this country does not need is another President from Texas. If using that state as an example of success well
50th in education funding for schools and rewriting and censorship of text books.
50th in air pollution
1-- in executions
1-- in crime
 Also it must be remembered that in 1836 Texas was Tejas a part of Mexico. The American immigrant promised to adopt the state religion (but refused under freedom of religion what they do not want to give people today). When Santa Anna forbid any more immigrants from America they
came anyway wetback coming across the RED RIVER into Tejas caring guns. They were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS armed and dangerous with the intention of over throwing the rightful government of the country (Sounds like today in reverse doesn't it? You know what they say Paybacks are a bitch) Not only were American being Illegal immigrants in Texas but also California, Arizona and New Mexico.
So we do not need another TEJAS (Texas) President. In fact I am all for giving it back to Mexico.

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