| Monday, 27 August 2012 | | J.H. Marten, Op-Ed: "There are stories within stories, which are always within another story. The world is built on those stories. The stories are real and illusion. The stories are transient and permanent. People should take their stories as seriously as they take their own lives but never believe their stories. Learn to live in your imagination and live in the world at the same time. Some people use stories to find a past glory they think they remember and believe they can reclaim." | | Ian Millhiser, News Report: There's something quaint about Republicans expecting the nation to still believe they care about judicial activism after they spent the last two years pushing an attack on the Affordable Care Act that, in the words of a top conservative judge, had no basis "in either the text of the Constitution or Supreme Court precedent." Or, for that matter, after many Republicans have declared everything from Social Security to Medicare to national child labor laws unconstitutional. | | Tom Engelhardt, Op-Ed: Their job will officially be to continue to "stand up" the humongous security force that no Afghan government in that thoroughly impoverished country will ever be able to pay for. Thanks to a 10-year Strategic Partnership Agreement that President Obama flew to Kabul to seal with Afghan President Hamid Karzai as May began, there they are to remain until 2020 or beyond. | | Zoha Arshad, News Analysis: After 9/11, hate crimes against Muslims and turban-wearing Sikhs more than doubled. The word "terrorist" has become synonymous with "Muslim extremists". The Aurora shootings, the Sikh temple tragedy – neither of these incidents was treated as "terrorist" activity by the media. The manner in which media covers such events, as well as how politicians talk about Muslims, plays a huge part in the way Muslims are perceived in the United States. | | Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: Sadly, America's corporate and political powers today are content to be a bunch of leaf spritzers, blithely oblivious to the dangerous shriveling of the grassroots. To witness the damage they're doing, just look at our nation's desiccated minimum wage. Set at $7.25 an hour three years ago, its real value has since been gutted by inflation, reducing the wage's current purchasing power to a sub-poverty level of $6.75 an hour. That's only $14,000 a year for full-time work! | | News Report: "Last Spring, Goldberg, a student at Prairie Crossing Charter School in Grayslake, Illinois, was given the assignment in her environmental awareness class to design an environmental project. She decided to convince her village board to enact a ban on plastic bags, similar to bans in Seattle, Los Angeles and elsewhere. When Goldberg learned that a bill was moving through the state government to prevent Grayslake and other towns from enacting such a ban in their own communities, she took action." | | Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Video Report: "The New York City Police Department has admitted its secret Demographics Unit that spied on Muslims in an elaborate CIA-backed effort over a more than six-year period failed to yield a single terrorism investigation or even a single lead. In the years following the September 11th attacks, the New York police secretly infiltrated Muslim student groups, sent informants into mosques, eavesdropped on conversations and created databases showing where Muslims lived, worked and prayed." | | Paul Buchheit , Op-Ed: "There are numerous examples of tax avoidance by the big companies, but the most outrageous fact may be that corporations decided to drastically cut their tax rates after the start of the recession. After paying an average of 22.5% from 1987 to 2008, they've paid an annual rate of 10% since. This represents a sudden $250 billion annual loss in taxes. Worse yet, it's a $500 billion shortfall from the 35% statutory corporate tax rate." | | Anthony Advincula, News Report: "These are just guidelines issued by the Department of Homeland Security and not a statue enacted by Congress," Chishti said in a phone interview. Ideally, these young immigrants would gain legal protection if the DREAM Act or a broader immigration reforms are passed, he Chishti said. But he believes it's still favorable for affected youth to avail of the deferral program. | | Sam Pizzigati, Op-Ed: Over the last five years, these 50 corporations — outfits that range from Wal-Mart to Office Depot — have together returned $175 billion to shareholders in dividends or share buybacks. And the CEOs at these companies last year averaged $9.4 million in personal compensation. A minimum wage worker would have to labor 623 years bring in that kind of pay. So what can we do to bring some semblance of fairness back into our workplaces? | | FROM AROUND THE WEB | U.S. Natural Disasters Tropical Storm Isaac made way into Gulf of Mexico on Monday. | Space Travel "It's a human achievement that will be remembered forever" | Russian Politics Two of the Pussy riot members manage to flee country to avoid prosecution. | | | | | | NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know. If you do not wish to receive future updates from NationofChange, click here to unsubscribe. | | | NationofChange and the NationofChange logo are registered trademarks of NationofChange NationofChange | 6319 Dante Ln NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 | | |
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