| Wednesday, 29 August 2012 | Greg Palast, Op-Ed: "Among other favors, Griffin is the top cheerleader in the House for the XL Pipeline--whose approval is vital to the billionaire Kochs making more billions. But wait! The Kochs don't own the XL Pipe nor the Canadian tar sands from which it comes. So why do they care? Well, that's another story, in another chapter, 'XXXL Pipeline' in Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal the Election in 9 Easy Steps, out September 18. The Author's proceeds from the book go to the not-for-profit Palast Investigative Fund for reporting on voter protection issues." | | Stephen Lacey, News Report: "Hurricane Isaac will continue pelting Louisiana with heavy rains today and tomorrow as it marches up the Gulf Coast, unleashing damaging 80 mile-per-hour winds and causing widespread flooding in New Orleans and other coastal cities. [USA Today] Isaac's high winds and rains, experts speculate, could also stir up remnant crude oil from the BP's Deepwater Horizon spill — exposing more residents and wildlife to its potentially toxic effects." | | David Morris, Op-Ed: "The SEC could bring contempt of court charges against serial offenders, but it doesn't. Earlier this year the SEC revealed it has not brought any contempt charges against large financial firms in the last 10 years. Adding insult to insult the SEC doesn't even publicly refer to previous cases when filing new charges. We know that CEOs of big corporations never go to jail." | | Peter Rugh, News Report: "Fracking is a carbon intensive extraction method that involves pumping millions of gallons of water, sand and toxic chemicals like benzine and formaldehyde underground, in order to fissure shale rock and release methane deposits from within. The industry says fracking is safe, but the drilling technique has become synonymous with contaminated water, congested air and curdled soil in the 34 U.S. states where it has occurred." | | Dean Baker, Op-Ed: "The reason why so many of these people cannot find jobs is the incredible economic mismanagement by people with names like Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke. These people thought that the bubbles that drove the economy in the last two decades, the stock bubble in the '90s and the housing bubble in the last decade, were really cool. They somehow thought that either the bubbles would not burst or that it would be easy to pick up the pieces after a crash." | | Amy Goodman, Video Report: "The plant manufactures sensors and controls that are used in aircraft and automobiles, but has been dismantling and shipping the plant to China piece by piece, even as it requires the workers to train personally their Chinese replacements, who have been flown in by management. The workers in Illinois say their petition of 35,000 signatures, as well as their multiple visits to Romney's headquarters, have fallen on deaf ears, so they're taking their plea straight to Romney here at that Republican National Convention." | | Aaron Glantz, News Investigation: "Identifying the root of the delays is complicated by political finger-pointing. Democrats and many veterans' advocates argue that the VA failed to prepare for an onslaught of wounded veterans after the Bush administration began the war in Iraq in 2003. Republicans counter that the backlog of disability claims has exploded under President Barack Obama and has continued to worsen in recent months, despite additional scrutiny from the media and members of Congress." | | Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 346 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event." | | Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: "Of course, in the fantasy universe of the far right, logic is an alien intruder, barred from interfering with either approved doctrine or political expediency. Indeed, here's their idea of logic: Akin, a devout worshipper of junk science, is a member of the House Committee on Science. Go figure. And if you find that surreal, let me add that his committee assignment is hardly the only illogical perversion in the doctrinal right's carefully constructed NutLand." | | Thalif Deen, News Analysis: The impacts will be far flung and severe, he warned. However, "if we can translate this concern into action, especially on improvements in water use in agriculture, which is by far the largest and most inefficient consumer, then we could avert this disaster," he said. So far, there is talk in this direction but no global imperative to make targeted progress. "It is important that this be taken up at the highest levels to avoid considerable distress to the world's population and economies," Dr. Lall added. | | John Cavanagh and Robin Broad, Op-Ed: "As we look at the orange water and walk on the cyanide-laced soil, the fact that current global rules allow Commerce Group to sue the Salvadoran government seems beyond ludicrous. Groups in the United States have joined the Roundtable in protests against the firm, demanding that it drop the suit and pay for a clean-up in San Sebastian, whatever it costs and however long it takes." | | FROM AROUND THE WEB | Agriculture Farmers across the countryside are demanding action from lawmakers. | Tropical Storm Isaac Seven years to the day Katrina hit, Issac is set to land in Louisiana. | Syrian Unrest In television interview, president says battle is "progressing" and talk of buffer zones is "not on the table". | | | | |  | NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know. If you do not wish to receive future updates from NationofChange, click here to unsubscribe. | |  | NationofChange and the NationofChange logo are registered trademarks of NationofChange NationofChange | 6319 Dante Ln NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 | | |

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