Thursday, 27 September 2012

{Political_Views} NATION OF CHANGE/ From Start to Finish: Why We Won and How We Are Losing

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Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Over the past year we have awakened the nation to the tragedy of economic injustice and have won vital victories in the fight against the Corporatocracy but we must be vigilant now more than ever.
If you have been a spectator over this past year, we need you to become an activist. Put your money where your principles are and help us continue the fight onto the next battleground.

¡BASTA! Revolution Becomes a Reality in Spain

Meritxell Mir, News Report: On Saturday, thousands rallied in front of key buildings including the Madrid stock exchange, the Bank of Spain and several ministries. The protest, organized by the M-15 platform and composed of indignados and others under the slogan "Deconstructing Lies, Building Alternatives," served as a preview for the rally to be held Tuesday, Sept. 25, when thousands are expected to surround the Spanish Congress during a plenary session and demand that the government, lawmakers and the king resign.

Robert Reich | The Two Major Views About Why Romney is Losing, and Why the Second is More Convincing

Robert Reich, Op-Ed: I've spent the past few days debating right-wingers — among them, Grover Norquist and Ann Coulter. This isn't my idea of fun. I do it because apparently many Americans find these people persuasive, and it seems important to try to show why they're profoundly wrong. There are two major theories about why Romney is dropping in the polls. One is Romney is a lousy candidate, unable to connect with people or make his case.

The FEC: A Declawed and Toothless Watchdog of Campaign Finance

Mike Spahr, News Analysis: Transparency in campaign finance is only as achievable as agency that enforces it. The entity that keeps a watchful eye on money in politics is the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Unfortunately, the Washington Times reports a sad truth about the reality of the FEC's power in the current political landscape: The FEC's powers are so weak that for most offenses it can only ask political groups to enter a voluntary process in which they bargain to agree to a monetary settlement. If the group refuses or an agreement isn't reached, then the FEC must take them to court to try to enforce its judgment… …[this] has occurred about 100 times since 1976, an FEC spokesperson said.

Believe It Or Not: Republicans Hate Jesus

Thomas Magstadt, Op-Ed: If Democrats were to pull a Watergate caper and steal the Republican campaign playbook, they might accuse Republicans of committing the ultimate blasphemy to Christians. They might say that in seeking to denigrate and tear down everything government tries to do to help the poor, the sick, and the needy, Republicans are secretly waging war against the teachings of Jesus Christ. They might conjure up a catchy slogan like REPUBLICANS HATE JESUS and treat it as a self-evident truth.

Private Prisons Currently Exempt from Freedom of Information Act

Christopher Petrella, Op-Ed: It seems that every few days I read a new press release or "study" commissioned by the private prison industry lauding its supposedly unmatched performance on measures of efficiency and safety relative to the public sector. Despite the industry's zeal for public approval, it routinely refuses to disclose the very information necessary to support its arguments. Whereas public departments of corrections on the state and federal levels are subject to disclosure statutes under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), private prison firms contracting with public agencies are not.

Chris Hedges | How Do You Take Your Poison?

Chris Hedges, Op-Ed: We will all swallow our cup of corporate poison. We can take it from nurse Romney, who will tell us not to whine and play the victim, or we can take it from nurse Obama, who will assure us that this hurts him even more than it hurts us, but one way or another the corporate hemlock will be shoved down our throats. The choice before us is how it will be administered. Corporate power, no matter who is running the ward after January 2013, is poised to carry out U.S. history's most savage assault against the poor and the working class, not to mention the Earth's ecosystem. And no one in power, no matter what the bedside manner, has any intention or ability to stop it.

One Billion Rising

Eve Ensler, Video Feature: Eve Ensler's newest short film, One Billion Rising, plans to stop the violence that one in three women will experience in their lifetime. On Valentine's day of 2013, hopes to see people dancing everywhere in protest to the atrocities women have to face in the world today. For more information on how you can get involved or other info visit

Cabinet Officials Signal Crackdown on Medicare Billing Abuse

Fred Schulte, News Report: Top federal officials are stepping up scrutiny for doctors and hospitals that may be cheating Medicare by using electronic health records to improperly bill the health plan for more complex and costly services than they deliver. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Attorney General Eric Holder notified five medical groups of their intention to ramp up investigative oversight, including possible criminal prosecutions, by letter on Monday.

From Start to Finish: Why We Won and How We Are Losing

Robert Jensen, Op-Ed: We label as "crazy" those members of the human species whose behavior we find hard to understand, but the cascading crises in contemporary political, economic, and cultural life make a bigger question increasingly hard to ignore: Is the species itself crazy? Has the process of evolution in the hominid line produced a species that is both very clever and very crazy? We humans routinely believe crazy things, but are we a crazy species? Does the big brain that allowed us to master the planet have a basic design flaw? Given the depth of the social and ecological crises we face -- or, in some cases, refuse to face -- should we be worried about whether we can slip out of the traps we have created?

Looking for that '47 Percent,' Mitt? Check Red States and Elderly Republicans

Joe Conason, Op-Ed: While Mitt Romney may well wish he had expressed himself more "elegantly" at the swanky Boca Raton fundraiser where he denounced half the voting population as shiftless, government-entitled moochers, he isn't backing away from those secretly recorded remarks — although what he said was entirely inaccurate, as well as obnoxious. Watching him on video, the Republican nominee sounds not only vulgar and arrogant, but profoundly ignorant about the nation he hopes to govern. "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," said the Republican nominee, who proceeded to describe those people.

Guatemalan Massacre Survivor Wins Political Asylum in U.S.

Sebastian Rotella, News Report: U.S. immigration authorities have granted political asylum to Oscar Ramírez Castañeda, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala who learned only last year that he was a survivor of a civil war massacre of 250 villagers in 1982. Ramírez, a 33-year-old father of four who lives near Boston, received a letter Saturday from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services approving his application for political asylum, his lawyer, R. Scott Greathead, told ProPublica, which reported on the case withThis American Life and Fundación MEPI.

2012 Elections

Picking Ryan Has Done Little to Win Voters

Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate has done little to attract voters to the Republican ticket and more think he is not qualified to be president than believe he is ready for the White House.

Syrian Civil War

Syria War is Threatening the Region

Syria grabbed the spotlight as world leaders at the United Nations on Monday heard a dire warning from international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi that the war is getting worse.

Defense Budget

Republicans Like to Spend Lots of Money on the Military

Republicans are opposed to social spending, not defense spending. Always have been, always will be.

Afghanistan War

US Soldiers Found Guilty in Afghan Urination Case

Two US soldiers are to face criminal charges for urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, the Marines Corps has said.

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