NEW AT THENATION.COM It's the 1 Percent, Stupid (The Case Against the 47 Percent) ILYSE HOGUE | While the secret Romney tapes reveal a callousness that should make every voter pause, the fight remains about the 99 percent and not just the 47 percent he cast aside in his remarks.
Share More Than 180 Arrested on Occupy Wall Street's First Anniversary ALLISON KILKENNY | According to the mainstream media, Occupy is dead. So why are the police taking so many into custody?
Share Isn't Mitt Romney a Member of the 47 Percent? JOHN NICHOLS | Romney shouldn't be so dismissive of the tax-avoiding class. After all, he's one of them.
Share Why Progressives Should Vote for Obama TIMOTHY PATRICK MCCARTHY | President Obama and the Democrats are not the "lesser of two evils." On the contrary, they are the far superior--and more progressive--choice in 2012.
Share Occupy Wall Street's First Anniversary, In Drawings THE NATION | Contributions to our special issue on Occupy at one by artist and occupier Molly Crabapple.
Share This Week in Poverty: Poverty Tour 2.0 Hits the Battleground States (VIDEO) GREG KAUFMANN | Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West's Poverty Tour 2.0 arrived in Virginia, and high school students had a lot to say about their own struggles with poverty.
Share How Occupy Has Changed the Conversation on Class MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY | The year-old movement doesn't need its own candidate to influence politics.
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IN OUR ORBIT The Brooklyn Book Festival Sunday, September 23 Downtown Brooklyn, NYC
Mark your calendars for the seventh annual Brooklyn Book Festival taking place on Sunday, September 23, throughout downtown Brooklyn. Co-sponsored by The Nation, the BBF features a full and free day of panels, readings, signings, exhibition booths and events for readers of all ages and inclinations. Visit The Nation at booth #30! See numerous Nation speakers, including Katrina vanden Heuvel and Eric Alterman talking about election 2012, Victor Navasky discussing the art of magazine making, Chris Hayes being probed on his book on meritocracy by Michelle Goldberg and Richard Kim, Laura Flanders reflecting on the anniversary of OWS and Eyal Press leading a conversation about conscience. Other festival speakers include Isabel Wilkerson, Joyce Carol Oates, Colson Whitehead, Paul Auster, Amy Goodman and Siddhartha Deb.
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