Saturday, 30 June 2012

{Political_Views} Bernie Buzz: A Good Day for America

June 28, 2012
The Bernie Buzz

A Good Day for America

ACA Upheld
"Today is a good day for millions of Americans who have pre-existing conditions who can no longer be rejected by insurance companies," Bernie said after the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act.  "It is a good day for families with children under 26 who can keep their children on their health insurance policies.  It is a good day for women who can no longer be charged far higher premiums than men.  It is a good day for 30 million uninsured Americans who will now have access to health care.  It is a good day for seniors who will continue to see their prescription drug costs go down as the so-called 'doughnut hole' goes away. It is a good day for small businesses who simply cannot continue to afford the escalating costs of providing insurance for their employees. It is a good day for 20 million more Americans who will soon be able to find access to community health centers."

Americans are Angry

Americans Are Angry

"They are angry that the middle class is collapsing because of the Wall Street-caused recession; they are angry that unemployment is sky high; that 50 million people lack health insurance; and that working families can't afford college for their kids," Bernie said in a major speech on Wednesday. "Meanwhile, at a time when the wealthy and the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well, the billionaires and their congressional friends want to balance the budget on the backs of the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor."

A Note to Bernie Buzz Readers
I want to thank the hundreds of thousands of people in Vermont and across the country who read the Bernie Buzz.  Thank you for signing up.  Thank you for your comments.  Thank you for responding to our poll questions. 

The Bernie Buzz tries to give you an insight into what's happening in Washington in a way that the mainstream media often do not. I'm proud of the quality of what we produce and the information we provide. The proof is in the pudding. Despite coming from one of the smallest states in the country, I am happy to tell you that our digital communications reach more people than almost any other member of the Senate. 

Under Senate rules covering all e-newsletters, however, The Bernie Buzz may not be sent out during a period of 60 days before the August 28 primary election in Vermont and 60 days before the November 6 general election. In other words, this will be the last Bernie Buzz you receive for awhile.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to visit our  webpage which will continue to be updated daily. You may also follow us on Facebook, sign up for tweets, join our Google+ circle, and watch videos on YouTube. As always, let us know what you think.  Thanks for being part of our digital family.

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