Robert Scheer, Truthdig Op-Ed: That sentiment underscores the opportunity missed by Obama, who limited his ambition to what Big Pharma and the insurance giants would accept as "reform" in a system that they had so successfully exploited. Obamacare is a faux reform born of opportunism, as was Romney's original version: Play ball with those who have profited most from the run-up of medical costs and expect them to make it more affordable. |
Paul Abowd, News Analysis: The (c)(4) shares resources, office space, and staff with Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a 501(c)(3) — whose chairman as of 2010 was David Koch. Watchdog groups have reported that the AFP Foundation gets millions from a variety of conservative foundations including the Koch-controlled Claude R. Lambe Foundation, which gave $1 million between 2004 and 2006. |
Michael T. Klare, Op-Ed: When it comes to the pursuit of enhanced energy independence, Obama has embraced the ultra-nationalistic orientation of the 2001 Cheney report, with its call for increased reliance on domestic and Western Hemisphere oil and natural gas -- no matter the dangers of drilling in environmentally fragile offshore areas or the use of hazardous techniques like hydro-fracking. |
Jen Waller and Tom Hintze, News Report: The defense filed two subpoena requests for information from Trinity and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, which the attorneys argued were not fully complied with and thus grounds to postpone the trial pending full compliance. Several Occupy-related cases of mass arrest, including the arrests during the raid and eviction of Zuccotti Park on November 15, have been postponed until the fall. |
Dekker Dreyer, Op-Ed: According to a United Technologies National Journal Poll conducted in December of 2011 60% of Americans were in favor of allowing illegal immigrants to join society under certain conditions. This number has only gone up over time with a June 19th 2012 poll by Bloomberg saying that 64% of Americans agree with the president's plan. Why then is this being used as a hot button issue by the conservative right? |
B. Loewe, News Report: The committees are based on neighbor-to-neighbor relations where people commit to support each other to mitigate the negative impacts of deportations. Families sign power of attorney so that someone is prepared to take care of kids, pay bills, and communicate with an employer in the case of being taken away and placed in detention. |
Amy Goodman, Video Report: After 18 years in prison, most of them on death row, Graves was exonerated and reunited with his family after a special prosecutor concluded he was an innocent man. Graves is now an active member of the movement to abolish the death penalty. "My experience was hell," Graves says. "I always liken it to something that you would consider to be your worst nightmare. |
Rob Hotakainen, Illustration: The United States recently saw the birth of two colossal political movements: Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party. Both were fueled by concerned citizens and both took to the streets to get the message out, but these were NOT the same types of people. |
John Grant, Op-Ed: Now, we learn the United States government is planning a 13-year propaganda project to clean up the image of the Vietnam War in the minds of Americans. It's called The Vietnam War Commemoration Project. President Obama officially launched the project on Memorial Day with a speech at the Vietnam Wall in Washington. The Project was established by Section 598 of the 604-page National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2008. It budgets $5 million a year. |
Matt Kasper, News Report: TransCanada's own analysis shows that the Keystone XL pipeline would have 11 "significant spills"over its 50-year lifecycle, while an independent study estimated that there could be as many as 91 spills. The first leg of the Keystone pipeline even suffered 12 spills in 2010 – a record for a pipeline's first year in operation. |
Froma Harrop, Op-Ed: Since 1973, worker productivity has risen 80 percent, while median hourly compensation (wages and benefits, adjusted for inflation) has gone up less than 11 percent. That means most workers these days are producing more in the same time, but without appropriate rewards either in money or shortened hours. Senior executives and Wall Street grabbed most of the return from higher productivity. |
Cora Currier, News Analysis: The committee voted yesterday to recommend that Holder be held in contempt of Congress for not turning over some documents. Holder says that his office already released thousands of documents, and that the others that Issa wants are internal communications protected by executive privilege. In the midst of all this back-and-forth, we lay out exactly what the executive privilege is, and what it means in this case. |
Carey L. Biron, News Report: While a transaction tax has been discussed for years, it recently became a central focus for activists in the Occupy Wall Street movement, spurred in particular by the union National Nurses United. On Tuesday, demonstrations throughout the United States sought to bring more prominence to the issue, referring to the levy as a "Robin Hood tax". |
Mark Engler, Op-Ed: In case you haven't followed this issue, the DREAM Act is a piece of legislation that would give legal status and create a path to citizenship for young immigrants, some of whom have spent almost their entire lives in the United States, who are going to college or serving in the military. The bill was passed by the House in 2010, and even got fifty-one votes in the Senate, but it could not overcome a Republican filibuster. |
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