Chris Hedges, Truthdig Op-Ed: "In every conflict, insurgency, uprising and revolution I have covered as a foreign correspondent, the power elite used periods of dormancy, lulls and setbacks to write off the opposition. This is why obituaries for the Occupy movement are in vogue. And this is why the next groundswell of popular protest—and there will be one—will be labeled as 'unexpected,' a 'shock' and a 'surprise.'" |
Mehrad Yazdi, News Analysis: "Sunday marked the 40th anniversary of the Watergate scandal, an event of startling criminality that left a permanent scar on American politics and Americans' trust in government. The scandal began when five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex. The ensuing investigation led straight to the highest echelons of the White House and eventually forced the first resignation of an American president on August 9, 1974." |
Robert Reich, Op-Ed: "Perhaps you'd expect no more from the Republican leader of the Senate who proclaimed three years ago that the GOP's first priority was to get Obama out of the White House. But Senator Mitch McConnell's speech Friday at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington is simply bonkers. The only reason I bring it up is because it offers an inside look at how the Republican goal of getting rid of Obama is inextricably linked to the Republican Supreme Court's decision equating corporations with people under the First Amendment." |
Justin Elliott, News Analysis: "Last month, a 'senior administration official' said the number of civilians killed in drone strikes in Pakistan under President Obama is in the 'single digits.' But last year 'U.S. officials' said drones in Pakistan killed about 30 civilians in just a yearlong stretch under Obama. Both claims can't be true. A centerpiece of President Obama's national security strategy, drones strikes in Pakistan are credited by the administration with crippling Al Qaeda but criticized by human rights groups and others for being conducted in secret and killing civilians." |
Karl Grossman, Op-Ed: "Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project, in his 1955 book The Open Mind, wrote: 'The physicists felt a peculiarly intimate responsibility for suggesting, for supporting, and in the end, in large measure, for achieving the realization of atomic weapons….In some sort of crude sense…the physicists have known sin.'" |
Angela Guo, News Report: According to Hovde, more important issues include lowering the corporate tax rate and the national deficit. Hovde's comments come after a May 2011 study conducted by the National Journal, which reviewed how often the words "unemployment" or "deficit" appeared in the nation's five largest newspapers. The findings clearly show that the deficit was covered significantly more than the unemployment in major American news outlets. |
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Video Report: "Thousands of people held a silent march in New York City on Sunday to protest the New York City Police Department's controversial 'stop-and-frisk' policies. The warrantless search initiative has drawn accusations of being unconstitutional, while mostly targeting people of color, overwhelmingly black and Latino men. We hear from several voices at the march: Reverend Al Sharpton, Donna Lieberman of the New York Civil Liberties Union, Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP, and New York City residents who have endured dozens of stop-and-frisk searches." |
Dean Baker, Op-Ed: "The Federal Reserve Board's Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting this week likely presents its last opportunity to boost the economy before the end of the year. While the FOMC meets every six weeks, as a practical matter the FOMC has historically been very reluctant to take major moves close to an election. After this week's meeting we will be in the window where the Fed is unlikely to move." |
Thalif Deen, News Report: "When world leaders from over 100 countries wind up their three-day Rio+20 summit in Brazil next week, they will leave behind the shattered remains of a slew of proposals that never got off the ground. A 30-billion-dollar Global Fund for Sustainable Development? A Financial Transactions Tax? A Sustainable Development Index? A Sustainable Development Council? A Global Fund for Education? A World Environment Organisation? An Inter-governmental Body on Tax Matters?" |
Josh Harkinson, Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 275 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event." |
James Gustave Speth, Op-Ed: "First, some definitions. I think we can define the new economy as one where the overriding purpose of economic life is to sustain and to strengthen People, Place, and Planet, and is no longer to grow Profit, Product (as in gross domestic), and Power. And a new politics? No surprises here. A new politics in America is one that replaces today's creeping corporatocracy and plutocracy with true popular sovereignty." |
Michael Beckel, News Report: "While super PACs were cast as the big, bad wolves during the last election, the groups were outspent by 'social welfare' organizations by a 3-2 margin, a trend that may continue amid reports that major donors are giving tens of millions of dollars to the secretive nonprofit groups. A joint investigation by the Center for Public Integrity and the Center for Responsive Politics has found that more than 100 nonprofits organized under section 501(c)(4) of the U.S. tax code spent roughly $95 million on political expenditures in the 2010 election compared with $65 million by super PACs." |
J.A. Myerson, Op-Ed: "'Growth' is, once again, the buzzword of the moment among Europe's politicians, thanks to Francoise Hollande, the milquetoast Socialist recently elected to succeed Nicolas Sarkozy as President of France. 'My mission now,' Hollande told supporters on the night of his electoral victory, 'is to give European construction a growth dimension.' President Obama praised Holland at Camp David, telling reporters he would urge 'other G8 leaders' to adopt a 'strong growth agenda.' The previous buzzword, 'austerity,' is meanwhile in decline." |
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