Monday, 20 August 2012

{Political_Views} NATION OF CHANGE/ Washington's Wall Street Sugar Daddies

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Amy Goodman | Paul Ryan: A Man With a Plan, From the Fiscal to the Physical

Amy Goodman, Op-Ed: "The floundering Romney campaign was thrown a life ring of sorts last week, from aboard the USS Wisconsin, a decommissioned US Navy vessel based in Norfolk, Virginia. There, Mitt Romney introduced the man he said would be 'the next president of the United States,' until he corrected himself. 'Every now and then I'm known to make a mistake,' Romney confessed. 'I did not make a mistake with this guy. But I can tell you this, he's going to be the next vice president of the United States.' And with that, Paul Ryan became Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate, the man who, in the event of a Romney win in November, becomes a heartbeat away from the presidency."

How Politicians and the Press Overstated Military Budget Cuts by $100 Billion

Justin Elliott, News Analysis: "Anxiety is rising in Washington about the big cuts to military spending slated to go into effect in January unless Congress takes action. Republicans, defense industry executives, and some Democrats are arguing hard against the automatic cuts, which were the result of last summer's deal to raise the debt ceiling and would also cut nondefense spending equally. Multiple members of Congress have warned that slashing defense spending by $600 billion would devastate the military, with Sen. Lindsey Graham this month predicting the cuts would deal 'a death blow to our ability to defend ourselves.'"

Beaten Down, Isolated, Angry, and Distracted

Phil Rockstroh, Op-Ed: "A couple of decades ago, upon returning to Atlanta, Georgia, after spending a year abroad, I would frequent an independent bookshop that contained a small coffee shop/cafe, where I would sip tea, read books and periodicals, and engage in the nearly extinct art of long form face-to-face verbal discourse with other habituates of the cafe. To this day, I have long standing friendships with a number of people I came to know during those years."

Don't Mess with Texas' Tar Sands Blockade

Will Wooten, News Report: "One year after more than 1,200 people were arrested in front of the White House during two weeks of sit-ins against the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, a coalition of Texas landowners and activists will attempt to physically halt its construction. Led by veteran climate justice organizers, participants ranging from environmentalists to Tea Partiers are preparing to lock arms for a sustained nonviolent civil disobedience campaign, beginning perhaps as early as this week."

On 77th Anniversary of Social Security, Paul Ryan Pushes Dismantling the Social Safety Net

Amy Goodman, Video Report: "Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney's newly picked running mate, Paul Ryan, is on the forefront of efforts to dismantle Social Security by putting seniors' savings into risky Wall Street investments. Over the years, Ryan has not only pushed for privatizing Social Security, but also dismantling Medicare and slashing funding for Medicaid. In the Republican response to President Obama's 2011 State of the Union address, Ryan defended cutbacks on social spending."

Jim Hightower | Black Liquor Moonshine

Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: "Question: If you mix a cocktail of 'black liquor,' biofuels, diesel and a generous splash of tax subsidies — then have it shaken vigorously by a U.S. senator and served in a golden goblet by corporate lobbyists — what do you call it? Answer: Koch Brothers Moonshine. Black liquor is the key ingredient here, though don't mistake it for an adult beverage like Johnnie Walker 'black label' scotch or the relatively new wine named 'Black Box.'"

Washington's Wall Street Sugar Daddies

Hillary Lehr, News Analysis: "How much is democracy worth to you? If you're like most people, it's priceless. But for the hedge funds and insurance companies on Wall Street, it does have a price tag. And now, thanks to a new report by Global Exchange, we know the number on it: approximately $4.2 billion. That's how much the Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (F.I.R.E.) sector has invested in political influence through campaign contributions and lobbying since 2006. That comes to $1,331 a minute spent on political power."

Day 333: Live Coverage of the Occupy Movement

Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 333 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event."

On Social Security, Say It IS So, Joe!

Richard (RJ) Eskow, Op-Ed: "Could the Vice President have been 'off the reservation,' as the saying goes, speaking unscripted words that don't have the White House's full backing? Possibly, but it seems unlikely. These words sound like they were pretty well thought out: 'Hey, by the way, let's talk about Social Security.' And the Vice President said 'I guarantee you' - not once, not twice, but three times. It's true that the President has spoken about making cuts to Social Security as part of a larger deal, even saying things like this (unwisely, in our opinion): 'Okay, we'll make some modest adjustments that are phased in over a very long period of time. Most folks don't notice 'em'."

Dissent Among Republicans Over Defense Spending

Aaron Mehta, News Report: Norquist, expressing views typical among more isolationist Republicans, decried foreign interventions such as Iraq and Afghanistan. 'Bush decided to be the mayor of Baghdad rather than the president of the United States,' he said. 'He decided to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan rather than reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That had tremendous consequences.' Mitt Romney, in contrast, has called for spending a minimum of four percent of the GDP on national defense — even more than preferred by his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

The Rising Tide -- Environmental Refugees

Andrew Lam, News Report: "The modern world has long thought of refugees in strictly political terms, victims in a world riven by competing ideologies. But as climate change continues unabated, there is a growing population of displaced men, women and children whose homes have been rendered unlivable thanks to a wide spectrum of environmental disasters. Despite their numbers, and their need, most nations refuse to recognize their status."

Weapons for the Weak in the Climate Struggle

Walden Bello, Op-Ed: "As the last two years have made very clear, climate has become the No. 1 national security issue for developing countries. When diplomacy fails, the threatened nations have no choice but to resort to strategies like anti-diplomacy to safeguard their national security and national interest. Our weapons are few, and often they are only mechanisms of moral suasion, but we must use them and hope for the best."

Syrian Civil War

Dozens Killed in Syria Air Raid

Children among dozens dead in Azaz, 45km north of Aleppo, after attacks reduce a row of residential homes to rubble.


Arizona Governor Wants No Public Benefits for Young Immigrants

Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer, in yet another clash with the White House, issued an order on Wednesday barring illegal immigrants who qualify for temporary legal status in the United States from receiving any state or local public benefits.


Ecuador Grants Political Asylum to WikiLeaks' Assange

This decision thrilled supporters but did not defuse the standoff at the Latin American nation's London embassy.

U.S. Economy

26 Corporations Paid Their CEO More Than Uncle Sam

Plus: Four executive-pay loopholes that cost taxpayers $14 billion a year.

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