Friday, 14 September 2012

{Political_Views} Fwd: NATION OF CHANGE/ A 'Lost Decade' for the Middle Class Caused by Conservative Policies

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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Jim Hightower | Romney's Hamm-handed Energy Policy

Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: And speaking of oil executives, past and current, pro-oil energy policy promoter Dick Cheney is known to snarl more than he smiles, but the former VP and ex-oil executive must be grinning from ear to ear now that Mitt has issued his energy plan. By "his," I mean Cheney's — the one he drafted in secrecy with a cabal of industry chieftains a decade ago. They couldn't get all of their agenda enacted, however, so imagine their excitement over Romney's recent proposal, which out-Cheneys Cheney.

Robert Reich | Moody's in a Mood

Robert Reich, Op-Ed: "The ratings agency schizophrenia is understandable. Everyone in Washington – and just about everywhere else – knows the budget deficit has to be dealt with. But anyone with half a brain (including Washington) also knows that when unemployment is high and economic growth still painfully slow, cutting the deficit too much now would make a bad situation even worse."

Greg Palast | The Worst Teacher in Chicago

Greg Palast, Op-Ed: You want to know what's wrong with our schools? Benno Schmidt, CEO of the big Edison Schools teach-for-profit business is a creepy, greedy privateer. But he told me straight: that before Hurricane Katrina, his company would never go into New Orleans because Louisiana spent peanuts per child on education. He made it clear: You get what you pay for. Not what you test for.

Corporate Giant Nestle Makes Contradictions Concerning GMOs

Lisa Garber, News Report: "Interestingly, a Brazilian court has recently demanded that multi-billion dollar food giant Nestlé label all of their products as genetically modified that have over 1% GMO content. The ruling reportedly coincides with Brazilian law which demands all food manufacturers alert consumers to the presence of GMOs within their products. Of course there is no question - Nestlé is not in favor of GMO labeling."

Oil Sullies Coast as Department of Justice Slams BP Settlement

Zoe Sullivan, News Analysis: A New York Times report dated Sept. 6th confirmed that the oil washing ashore did originate with the Macondo well. Silva told The Louisiana Weekly that BP was conducting its own tests to verify these results. Deputy Director of the Gulf Restoration Network, Aaron Viles, offered a pointed critique. "Isaac's aftermath shows that BP's oil is still in the Gulf, and that the Coast Guard should never have allowed BP to stand-down cleanup efforts along Louisiana's hard-hit coast."

Report Blames Big Banks for 800,000 Preventable Foreclosures

Travis Waldron, News Report: "Unfortunately for homeowners, most mortgages are handled by banks that haven't been properly staffed and thus have modified far fewer loans. If these worse-performing banks had simply modified loans at the same pace as their better performing peers, then HAMP would have produced about 800,000 more modifications. Instead of about 1.2 million modifications by the end of this year, HAMP would have resulted in about 2 million."

Chris Hedges and Larry Gibson: Days of Destruction

Laura Flanders, Video Report: Larry Gibson, 66, died in his home from a hear attack Sunday. Gibson was the West Virginia activist who built a social movement from his will to save a mountain. He was the face of the fight against mountain top removal. After his retirement at General Motors, Gibson moved back to his family home on Kayford Mountain. During that time, mountain top removal was just gearing up.

Day 360: Live Coverage of the Occupy Movement

Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 360 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event."

A 'Lost Decade' for the Middle Class Caused by Conservative Policies

Isaiah J. Poole, Op-Ed: This is not the result of forces beyond the control of policy makers. "Policy decisions made over the last several decades have caused this explosive rise in inequality. These decisions include: lowering individual and corporate tax rates; deregulating industries; failing to maintain the value of the minimum wage; failing to protect the right of workers to obtain collective bargaining; and failing to prevent asset bubbles."

Growth or Equality: Two Competing Visions for America's Future

David Korten, Op-Ed: "To understand how it works, we must recognize that in a corrupted financial system it is possible to make a great deal of money without contributing to the production of real wealth. Money itself is not wealth. It is a system of accounts by which modern societies record and balance our obligations to one another and allocate access to marketable goods and services. When the money system allocates money fairly in proportion to our individual contribution to the health and well-being of our community, it is a beneficial mechanism essential to the function of a complex modern society."

Dean Baker | The Erskine Bowles Stock Index and the S&P 500

Dean Baker, Research: "The excessive salaries of top corporate executives are not a just a problem because they pull money away from the corporations they run. They also set a pattern of compensation across the economy. It is now common for heads of universities and even charities to get million dollar compensation packages, pointing out that they would receive much more if they ran a comparably sized company."


Syria's Largest City is Flooded with Wounded

Aleppo, Syria is continues to see the injured and wounded flood the hospitals.

Climate Change

Summer's Climate Change Could Escalate Crime Waves

A researcher predicts as many as 30,000 more US murders over the next 90 years due to rising temperatures.

Europe Economy

German Court Clears European Bailout

Federal Constitutional Court decides Germany's inclusion in $638.8bn bailout fund for 17 euro countries is legal.

U.S. Economy

According to Census, Incomes Fall as the Number of Poor in the U.S. Hold Steady

The number of Americans living in poverty last year held steady.

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