Monday, 17 September 2012

{Political_Views} Mitt Romney's Last-Ditch Strategy: Inflame the Base - The Daily Beast

Romney is showing us more every day that he is not Presidential material, much less Commander-in-Chief material. He flunked the test the minute he came out shooting off his mouth without all the facts. To him, facts mean nothing. Well, we need facts, and we need honesty, and we need integrity. Romney lacks all of those qualities and without them everything else he says means nothing. He has shown no remorse for the death of the Ambassador and the other 3 men. Only criticizes the Administration. I don't believe I have seen a more cold-hearted person run for office before (except for Dick Cheney). At least, they tried to die it if they were (except for Dick Cheney). Romney doesn't connect with people (unless it's the Corporation are people my friend, people). He acts so sociopathic that he doesn't even know what he is doing is wrong.

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