| Monday, 03 September 2012 | Bill Scher, Op-Ed: "You see, even with all the hidden taxes to pay for the health care takeover, even with new taxes on nearly a million small businesses, the planners in Washington still didn't have enough money. They needed more. They needed hundreds of billions more. So, they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama. An obligation we have to our parents and grandparents is being sacrificed." | | Hanif Houston, News Analysis: Labor Day, both the history and the promise contained within in it, is particularly relevant today. The American worker is embattled. Manufacturing jobs are rapidly diminishing, and wages for middle class Americans over the last 30 years have stagnated or else fallen. Meanwhile, compensation for the top one percent has skyrocketed. The federal and state governments have on the whole ignored the cries of the people. | | Aviva Shen, News Report: Eric Fehrnstrom and Newt Gingrich both said that Friday's jobs report could similarly undermine Obama. "I think the biggest news next week will not be the three nights of the DNC but it will be on Friday…We're all hoping for good news but the odds are high that the unemployment rate will remain above 8 percent," Fehrnstorn said on CNN's State of the Union. I think the biggest event won't be his speech Thursday. It'll be the Friday morning jobs report. | | Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: In 2007, Crapo and a covey of corporate lobbyists quietly made their "liquor" eligible for a subsidy meant to help wean America off oil by encouraging the production of a biofuel-gasoline mix to power cars and trucks. Not so fine. One, vehicles can't use mill sludge as a fuel. Two, rather than mixing biofuel into their sludge, the paper-makers add diesel! So these sneaks are siphoning billions of dollars from a clean fuels program by making a dirty fuel dirtier. | | Pavol Stracansky, News Report: "UNAIDS officials have publicly said that the spread of HIV among injecting drug users could be largely stopped if OST, combined with needle exchange programs, were offered. This is a view backed up by groups such as Harm Reduction International, which told IPS that huge differences – up to 30 percent – in prevalence rates of HIV among injecting drug users in western countries and Russia is down to the provision of OST and needle exchange programs." | | Paul Buchheit , Op-Ed: The tax they actually pay is very low relative to other countries. U.S. corporations paid a smaller rate of income taxes than all but two of the OECD countries analyzed by the Office of Management and Budget and the Census Bureau. A Treasury report agreed, noting that the Tax/GDP rate for U.S. companies was 35% lower than the OECD average from 2000 to 2005. Corporations even pay less than low-wage American workers. | | Jim Lobe, News Report: Some commentators suggested that these decisions, including the dropping of the two remaining cases, have been motivated primarily by political considerations. Indeed, HRW director Kenneth Roth wrote in an op-ed last year that "dredging up the crimes of the previous administration was seen as too distracting and too antagonistic an enterprise when Republican votes were needed." | | Laura Flanders, Video Report: That's the one in which organized workers mass enough muscle together to extract what's due labor from the bosses. Union membership have fallen to levels not seen since the '30s. Public sector unions are holding steady although they're under constant attack from Republican governors, propagandist media and the profiteers that underwrite both groups. Globalization, mechanization and the fast switch from muscle to money-markets as the primary means of gross wealth have not just modified labor's dream, they have made sleep much harder. | | FROM AROUND THE WEB | 2012 Elections Ryan countlessly lying at his acceptance speech, or not? | Wall Street Occupation Activists protesting over 'corporate takeover' of political process ahead of Democratic National Convention. | 2012 Elections President Barack Obama enters an important campaign neck and neck with Mitt Romney | | | | |  | NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know. If you do not wish to receive future updates from NationofChange, click here to unsubscribe. | |  | NationofChange and the NationofChange logo are registered trademarks of NationofChange NationofChange | 6319 Dante Ln NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 | | |

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