| Sunday, 09 September 2012 | Matthew Cunningham-Cook, News Report: "The impending strike of Chicago teachers will set the stage for much of the future conversation about the nature of public education in the United States — and possibly even globally. At a time when the right to public education, the right to strike (especially in the public sector) and the right to dissent are actively being suppressed on a scale unseen since the McCarthy era, a group of committed teachers have taken back their union and are preparing themselves for a large-scale confrontation with the neoliberal agenda." | | Dave Lindorff, Op-Ed: "Republicans are, by and large, a selfish, smug, and angry group of white people who don't want anyone cutting in on their turf, who don't want to have the government do anything to help the less fortunate with their tax dollars, and who, by the way, want their own taxes lowered, but also want all kinds of benefits from the government, like tax credits for their businesses, and to send their kids to private schools." | | Ellen Brown, Op-Ed: Japan's finances have long been shrouded in secrecy, perhaps because when the country was more open about printing money and using it to support its industries, it got embroiled in World War II. In his 2008 book In the Jaws of the Dragon, Fingleton suggests that Japan feigned insolvency in the "lost decade" of the 1990s to avoid drawing the ire of protectionist Americans for its booming export trade in automobiles and other products. | | Caleb Jacobo, Op-Ed: A New American is an advocate for fine arts, but understands that the classification of art needs to change. We realizes the importance of creative thinking, entrepreneurism and the individual. We believe that we have individual worth to our country and can accomplish even the most radical dreams if we just put in the work to do it and believe in ourselves. Once you care, then your neighbor will care, and it will spread in your community. But the only way to get to your community, is genuine change in our daily practices. | | Lisa Garber, News Analysis: "There's some epic irony at work when Mother Nature wreaks havoc on genetically modified corn, soy, and beet root which have been slowly poisoning consumers for the last decade. Unfortunately, her work also hurts organic farmers trying, as we all are, to desperately make a living. Millions worldwide will go hungry as food prices rise, but crop insurance will help out subsidized farmers—many of them being the very ones growing Monsanto crops endorsed by the US government." | | Raghuram Rajan, Op-Ed: "What prevents the median voter in a democracy from voting to dispossess the rich and successful? And why do the latter not erode the political power of the former? Echoes of such a tension are playing out as President Barack Obama tries to tap into middle-class anger, while former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appeals to disgruntled businesspeople. One reason that the median voter rationally agrees to protect the property of the rich may be that she sees the rich as more efficient managers of that property." | | David Suzuki, News Report: "This ice has been an important factor in determining the climate and weather conditions under which modern civilization has evolved," NASA chief scientist Waleed Abdalati told Associated Press. A study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters concludes that melting Arctic ice could lead to more extreme weather events, including drought, floods, heat waves and cold spells–especially in Europe and North America. | | Jim Lane, News Analysis: There are low-yield biofuels technologies – and high-yield, in terms of productivity per ton of biomass. At the high end, consider for example Coskata's 105 gallons per ton, and Zea Chem's 135 gallon per ton yields. Compared to a technology that yields, for example, 60 gallons per ton (and they are out there), that can reduce feedstock requirements by half. But there is more than just picking the right technology. Great technologies are those that optimize their yields. | | Robert S. Becker, Op-Ed: Finally, heed the book title for Mitt's campaign propaganda: "No Apology: The Case for American Greatness." With a fine review, Michelle Boorstein summarizes why Mormons are so darned Republican: "Mormons largely adopted the Book of Mormon's view that the United States is a promised land and that Mormons have a duty to obey God and keep the country on the right track." Q.E.D. And watch any and all apologies, only for weaklings who make mistakes, not for a spiritually-elect superman who now seeks the election to public power. | | FROM AROUND THE WEB | Europe Economy In a nutshell, if the euro is going to survive periphery countries have to become more competitive and boost their exports or else core countries will have to subsidize them. | Syria Syrian warplanes bombed another residential district of Aleppo. | 9/11 The National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center is an awesome spectacle that moved and inspired some 4.5 million visitors in its first year. | | | | | | NationofChange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please let us know. If you do not wish to receive future updates from NationofChange, click here to unsubscribe. | | | NationofChange and the NationofChange logo are registered trademarks of NationofChange NationofChange | 6319 Dante Ln NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 | | |
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