Monday, 15 October 2012

{Political_Views} NATION OF CHANGE NEWS/ Who Hijacked the World's Greatest Economy?

  The difference between me and Fox News is I admit I am bias. I also unlike Fox do fact checking and am willing to debate anyone as to my point of view. Unlike a  minister I do not want to convert you,or put fear into you if you do not believe what I send. I want you to wake up and think. When you do not get involved in what your leaders are doing, when you take for granted what you see and hear on TV no matter what the news network is. When you do not take the time to discover for yourself the facts, when you do not vote, then you loose.

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Sunday, 14 October 2012

7 Nasty and Crazy Effects of Pesticides in Food, Exposure

Lisa Garber, News Report: One of the most well-known negative effects of pesticides, infertility is continuously found to be a result of exposure to these agrochemicals. Atrazine—a weed killer used in agriculture as well as on golf courses and which has been found in tap water—may be partially responsible for climbing miscarriage and infertility rates. As for men, one 2006 study pinpointed chlorpyrifos with lowering testosterone levels.

Caleb Jacobo | The Struggle of Defining a Culture

Caleb Jacobo, Op-Ed: As Americans it is our duty to know what our humanity has encountered and conquered in our history, and the reasons those fights were fought in the first place, so that we can make informed cultural decisions. This keeps us from reinventing the wheel each generation. Literature gives us a cultural road map of Western civilization and if we have any hope to progress as a species, as Americans, and overall as civilized citizens we need to know what the next steps are to get to something as close to a civilized Western utopia as possible.

New Solar Energy Program Signals a Paradigm Shift in Our Approach to Energy Development on Public Lands

Jessica Goad, News Analysis: "The solar decision follows an announcement earlier this week from the Department of the Interior that 10,000 megawatts of solar, wind, and geothermal energy have been authorized on public lands. This meets a goal for the agency laid out by Congress in 2005 of approving 10,000 megawatts of non-hydro renewable energy on public lands by 2015, which was echoed by President Obama in this year's State of the Union address."

Robert S. Becker | A Vulture Capitalist for a Vulture Culture

Robert S. Becker, Op-Ed: "Yet the most conspicuous blows are the media mug shots of craven Wall Street banksters who facilitated the Great Recession and destroyed middle-class assets by the trillions. The full publicity awarded this CEO gang explain their depleted standing and make their names commonplace: Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimond, John Thain and Vikram Pandit, plus enablers like Tim Geithner."

Robert Scheer | The Enemy of My Enemy is My President

Robert Scheer, Op-Ed: Consider the endorsement of Romney by Jim Donovan, the Goldman banker who handled relations with Bain Capital, the private equity firm run by Romney that dismembered companies and their jobs for outsized profit. He still manages Romney's personal accounts, and although the details of those are not shared with the public, Donovan is quoted in The Wall Street Journal as assuring his banker colleagues that Romney's "conviction and strength on fixing the U.S. economy is compelling as are his values." Enough said.

Atlantic Sturgeon in Delaware River Watershed Nearing Extinction

Video Report: With one recent survey showing the number of adult breeding Atlantic Sturgeon in the Delaware River dipping to about 90 fish, there are concerns the species could disappear from the waterway. The Delaware Riverkeeper Network is criticizing federal officials for not doing enough to protect this endangered species.

Taxpayers Spend Millions on Valley Fever in Prisons

Rebecca Plevin, News Analysis: Former state Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield) often cited the financial costs of the disease when persuading fellow lawmakers to fund vaccine research. A key component of his argument focused on the prisons: The costs of treating valley fever among inmates and prison guards exceeds the state's contribution to a cure. "That's an issue that made it pretty convincing," Ashburn said. "On a cost-benefit basis, it made sense to contribute $1 million a year."

Who Hijacked the World's Greatest Economy?

Thomas Magstadt, Op-Ed: "To say it's irresponsible of the financial wheeler-dealers who caused the problem is a gross understatement. These are the very individuals who got rich by jumping on the high-speed train that took the American economy from a model of profitability based on quality products and competitive prices to one based on leveraged transactions – mega-million dollar deals made behind closed doors with no accountability to any public authority."

Froma Harrop | Leave the Driving to It

Froma Harrop, Op-Ed: "Radar will detect objects, including pedestrians and brick walls. Cameras will record lane lines, and infrared versions will see better at night than a raccoon. Some of the newer driverless models go 70 miles an hour. There will be fewer traffic jams because the computer-run cars will know not to smash into their neighbors. Most accidents are caused by human error, explains traffic expert Tom Vanderbilt in Wired magazine."

Saving Grace of Global Economy?

Suvendrini Kakuchi, News Analysis: "We are seriously concerned about the fragility of the global economic and financial situation, particularly in view of low growth and continued uncertainties and risks within the Euro area, notwithstanding the recent policy actions and the buttressing of firewalls, as well as risks from possible aggressive fiscal tightening in the United States," the G-24 said in a communiqué released here.

Space Travel

Space Shuttle Endeavour's Final Journey

The space shuttle rolled very slow through the streets of Los Angeles.


Company Linked to Deadly Meningitis Outbreak Under Intense Heat

U.S. states are stepping up scrutiny of the company at the center of a deadly meningitis scare.


Syrian Human Rights Group says Syria is Using Cluster Bombs

Human Rights Watch reporting that forces have dropped anti-personnel cluster munitions on civilians.

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