Tuesday, 12 June 2012

{Political_Views} NATION OF CHANGE/ War or Revolution Every 75 Years. It's Time Again.


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Monday, 11 June 2012
Over the last few months, you've helped us to level several well-aimed blows at biotech giant Monsanto.

In March, you joined us as we Occupied Monsanto facilities in Oxnard, California. Next you helped us launch a month-long public billboard campaign right in Monsanto's hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. Our goal was to raise awareness about Monsanto's crimes against human health and the environment and put the company on notice that the people will not stand for their actions.

Now, we're raising the stakes once again. NationofChange with the help of our readers is preparing a nation-wide television ad campaign with the explicit goal of revealing Monsanto's role of exploitation, corruption, and destruction and its cost on our communities and planet.

Getting Rolled in Wisconsin

Andy Kroll, Op-Ed: The energy of the Wisconsin uprising was never electoral. The movement's mistake: letting itself be channeled solely into traditional politics, into the usual box of uninspired candidates and the usual line-up of debates, primaries, and general elections. The uprising was too broad and diverse to fit electoral politics comfortably. You can't play a symphony with a single instrument.

Think Government Job Losses Don't Hurt Us? Think Again

Research: "If public-sector employment had grown since June 2009 by the average amount it grew in the three previous recoveries (2.8 percent) instead of shrinking by 2.5 percent, there would be 1.2 million more public-sector jobs in the U.S. economy today. In addition, these extra public-sector jobs would have helped preserve about 500,000 private-sector jobs."

Reports of Occupy's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Ben Vitelli, Op-Ed: The goal of Occupy was to get together as a community of equals, to claim a future different than the ones they gave us, and to reignite a tradition of democratic progress that reaches back far into our history. The goals of the slowly evolving Occupy movement were something of an experiment. It was a way of exploring new ways of interacting with others. Of showing each other that we can do very fine without the 1%, thank you very much.

Montana Governor Stands Up to Citizens United

Mehrad Yazdi, News Report: "In the absence of strict rules governing campaign money, these big players will eventually get what they seek. I vetoed these bills, but future governors might sign them if they have been bribed by the same type of money that is now corrupting our State Legislature. To prevent Washington-style corruption in Montana, Schweitzer supports a federal constitutional amendment that would enable states like his to ban corporate financing of political campaigns."

In the Name of My Father, Part Two: In the Shadow of the Corporate State Madhouse

Phil Rockstroh, Op-Ed: A lone, psychopathic killer views himself as a self-contained society of one; therefore, he feels accountable to no one outside of himself…He is a freelancer (a mirror image of the lawless state itself) who has assumed the murderous agency of state power. No wonder, we, as a people, so greatly exaggerate the danger these extreme cases pose to us on a collective basis.

Nation's Largest Health Insurer Will Preserve Key Obamacare Provisions, Regardless of Supreme Court Ruling

Amanda Peterson Beadle, News Report: So far, 6.6 million young adults between 19 and 25 years old have signed up for insurance coverage through their parents' policies. It's a popular provision that even Republicans, like Tea Party favorite Rep. Allen West (FL), support. During an appearance on Fox News Monday morning, Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) — one of the staunchest opponents of the law — also defended the insurer's decision, noting, "to allow them to stay on that family plan, just helps the family until that person goes to school [and is] established in life."

Mariela Castro, Daughter of Cuban President, Helps Lead Struggle for LGBTQ Rights in Cuba

Amy Goodman, Video Report: Mariela Castro is best known in Cuba for her ardent support of gay, lesbian, and transgender rights and as the director of the Cuban National Center for Sex Education in Havana. During a rare visit to the U.S., Castro discusses her work in Cuba battling anti-LGBTQ discrimination.

War or Revolution Every 75 Years. It's Time Again.

Paul Buchheit , Op-Ed: Today the two cities could be Los Angeles and Chicago, both among the ten most unequal metropolitan areas in the United States. Instead of lords and noblemen, we have CEOs and hedge fund managers. The economic injustices are fashioned in more civilized ways. Insidious ways. Los Angeles is the biggest city in a state with a $9-16 billion budget deficit.

U.S. Military Admits Major War Mistakes

Jeffery Smith, News Report: From the outset, U.S. forces were poorly prepared for peacekeeping and had not adequately planned for the unexpected. In the first half of the decade, "strategic leadership repeatedly failed," and as a result, U.S. military training, policies, doctrine and equipment were ill-suited to the tasks that troops actually faced in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Day 267: Live Coverage of the Occupy Movement

Josh Harkinson, Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 267 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event."

Jim Hightower | These Steaks May Stick to Your Ribs

Jim Hightower, Op-Ed: While meat glue is widely used, corporations peddling molded meat aren't eager to let us consumers in on their little secret. Well, sniffs the meat industry's lobbying group, they have to list transglutaminase on the ingredient label and stamp the package as "formed" or "reformed" meat. How honest! Except that most of these glued steaks are peddled as filet mignon through high-volume restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, and banquet halls.

Hungry for Justice in Chicago's Little Village

Angela Smith, News Analysis: This hunger strike and the policy it hopes to change is the seed of a growing movement for immigrant rights, which underscores the need for serious dialogue about the damage lack of fair and humane immigration reform has caused. Dying people have nowhere to turn, and those who have the power to save them are barred by economic concerns from respecting human life and dignity.


Republicans Continue Attacks on Obama Over Information Leaks

Obama defends his administration by saying, "The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive."

U.S. Natural Disasters

Wildfire Rages Through Several U.S. States

Mother nature and succession are running its course with rapidly spreading flames.

Obama Administration

$4 Million Ad Blitz in Spanish-Language for Obama Campaign

Can you say, "Barack Obama" in Spanish?

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