Robert S. Becker, Op-Ed: "All Cheney did was affirm the incontrovertible national consensus: Sarah Palin is, was, and will always be demonstrably unqualified to be president. Or V.P. Or dogcatcher. How valuable: hindsight from the Dubya hindquarter targets the great '08 'mistake.' You think? Palin's 17% 'approval' last year barely topped BP's (16% for nature's nemesis-in-chief). But who cares when the rightwing fur flies? Mid-summer, news doldrums, and Mitt Romney veers between pathetic, deranged, and deadly dull, punctuated only by sparkling gaffes." |
Judd Legum, News Analysis: "Plaintiffs bring this lawsuit to restore in-person early voting for all Ohioans during the three days prior to Election Day – a right exercised by an estimated 93,000 Ohioans in the last presidential election. Ohio election law, as currently enacted by the State of Ohio and administered by Defendant Ohio Secretary of State, arbitrarily eliminates early voting during the three days prior to Election Day for most Ohio voters, a right previously available to all Ohio voters." |
Dave Johnson, Op-Ed: "Mitt Romney unveiled a one-page economic plan - Mitt Romney's Plan For A Stronger Middle Class - includes an energy component that is strongly attached to the fading, dinosaur oil and coal industries. It should be called 'Mitt Romney's Plan To Heat The Planet.' The energy part of Romney's plan appears to have been written by oil and coal industry lobbyists. Romney offers no details, specifics, anything." |
Anthony Gucciardi, News Report: The stalks are so sharp and weapon-like that they can wreck an entire set of wheels, which is a daunting reality when considered that one tractor can have as many as eight heavy duty tires. Furthermore, a single tractor tire can easily cost thousands of dollars. Thanks to the GMO crops, the average lifespan of a tractor tire has dwindled from five or six years down to just one or two — if the farmer is lucky. |
William John Cox, Op-Ed: Should push come to shove, the armed elements of the U.S. Defense Department continue to be the mightiest military force in history and the most effective in the world today. Surely, the brilliant military planners in the Pentagon can conceive and create a myriad of plans and actions to keep Assad on the ropes, personally, until such time as he gives up, his own henchmen sell him out, or when a few brave volunteers have to go in and "arrest" him, and what he was doing, taking him into custody, dead or alive. |
Christopher Petrella, Op-Ed: "If MDRC succeeds in reducing recidivism rates by 10 percent over four years, then the city's Department of Correction (with the help of the Bloomberg Foundation) will give MDRC the money it needs to repay Goldman Sachs for the loan. Should MDRC reduce recidivism by 20 percent, and then Goldman could stand to make an additional $2.1 million. If, however, MDRC falls short of its initial benchmark then Goldman will lose its entire $2.4 million investment." |
Steve Horn, News Analysis: The New York Times story also demonstrated that the shale gas industry has become an expert at utilizing the "Delaware Loophole" tax haven to dodge taxes, just as it is a champion at dodging chemical fluid disclosure and other accountability to the Safe Drinking Water Act, thanks to the "Halliburton Loophole." The latter is explained in great detail in DeSmogBlog's "Fracking the Future." |
Laura Flanders, Video Report: "There's no excuse for 6 million people to be living on food stamps alone or for 103 million to be not getting by on wages that barely lift them above poverty (see Peter Edelman on this, if you don't believe it). The world's best president could roll back every last anti-organizing law and set organizers free to sign up every last employed American, and still the standing pool of desperate unemployed would drain worker power away. " |
Jillian Kestler-D'Amours, News Report: "Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has nevertheless pushed economic development and investments in the private sector as a means to secure Palestinian independence. To date, most international economic bodies and foreign governments have praised Fayyad's approach, pointing to Palestinian gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates as a measure of its success." |
Special Coverage: "As we enter Day 322 of the Occupy movements the protests have spread not only across the country but all over the globe. Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street these past weeks as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream and live Twitter feed of this event." |
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